Review Deep Impact film review by JRR

Written By JRR on 2014-07-11 18:06:39
this movie camme out almost at the same time as the more known Armagedon, despite it not beeing as famous than that movie it acctually in my opinion is mush better, as it fouccoses more on the efeects that the inminent crassh of a comet will produce on the lives of the pepole, it also handles the situation more realisticly, in armaggedon nuclear weapons stop the meator, but in this movie it acctually worsens the situation, by breaking the comet in half, but at the end the austronauts sent to stop it sacrifice themselves to save the planet from the larger comet, but they are unable to stop the other.
i higlhy recomend this film to scifi fans and not scifi fans