The Lost Knight: Draconus Tyrannus

I Meme Everything
Member2KApr-21-2017 5:06 PMThe legendary Arkonians, the greatest warriors in the history of the Tyrannus Universe. But one Arkonian rose above the rest - the Lord of Dragons, Draconus Tyrannus.
Draconus was fierce in battle, his eyes keen as a hawk, his swordsmanship as good as Glacies, and his fighting style passionately burning like the fire of a dragon.
However, all legends must come to an end - and Draconus Tyrannus was no exception. He would fight in the second great war against Calamity, but the demon was too much for him and his bretherin. He ordered his second-in-command, Draconak, to retreat with the rest of his kin while he stood alone against Anguis. However, he was ultimately no match for the evil entity, and was so badly beaten that Calamity didn't even bother finishing him off.
By the time his parents recovered his demolished body, he was nearly dead. To preserve his life, his parents used their powers to split him into two entities - Draconus and Ghorbash. His father, the first Dragon King, sealed Draconus's original body, along with those of the other Arkonians, in a massive tomb that was sealed away in the deepest part of the Draconian sea.
But, by fate's decree, Draconus Tyrannus shall rise again. He will reclaim his original form - after a chance encounter between Draconus and Ghorbash. It is a prophecy lost to time, but he will return. And, when he does, all the enemies of Draco will quake in fear upon seeing the Lost Knight, Draconus Tyrannus.
UPDATE: 4/22/17
Draconus Tyrannus has returned. Ghorbash, more commonly known as Tyrant, has fused with Draconus, bringing back the Lost Knight. All enemies of Draco shall fall, and know the wrath of the Lord of Dragons, Draconus Tyrannus.
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Something Real
MemberLegendApr-22-2017 5:02 PMDRACONUS - This was an exceptionally engaging biographical presentation! I very much like the update! :)