Blade Runner easter egg in new Prometheus Blu Ray

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MemberNoobAug-17-2013 5:36 PM
I'll let the Youtube video speak for itself [url=]prometheus and Blade Runner Linked together in same universe[/url]
8 Replies


Admin2KAug-17-2013 11:08 PM
It's an interesting topic for sure, but it's not real. It was debunked ages ago in this [url=]Blastr[/url] article and was discussed quite a bit on the site: [url=]Has the Prometheus universe been fused with Blade Runner's?[/url]. :P Basically, the guy who did it (Charles de Lauzirika) got the idea from fans online trying to connect the dots between the two acclaimed sci-fi universes, and thought he would have a little fun to see if anyone would catch on. [i]"That was me having fun and being cutesy. I wrote all that stuff. I actually said this at the press conference they had in London, which is that if it's in the film, it's canon. I would argue that the viral pieces that are included in the Peter Weyland Files are canon just because they originated with Ridley and Damon Lindelof. I would say those, to some degree, are canon. But anything else - especially these which are kind of like little cute, embedded text graphics on the menus - I wouldn't take those too seriously. It's just meant to be an in-universe framework for those viral pieces." "As a Blade Runner fan, and because there's been so much talk before this even occurred with people on the Internet speculating that maybe Alien and Blade Runner and Prometheus could all exist in the same universe, it was just more of a wink at that. Absolutely nothing to be taken seriously. I mean, I sent it to Ridley and he had no comment. [Laughs] So, it's just icing on top of icing. It's not the cake. It's a fun, little side thing that's very superficial. And, by the way, it in no way officially establishes that it's Blade Runner because, if a lawyer were to comb through that, there's no reference to Tyrell or anything in Blade Runner. It's just a very lightly intentioned joke."[/i] Straight from the horses mouth, it's not to be taken seriously.


MemberNoobAug-18-2013 7:57 AM
That's really too bad it's not really canon. On another note,there were a couple of Spinners in the beginning of Star Wars Episode I.Thats even been verified...hmmm...maybe Padme was a replicant ;)


MemberNoobAug-18-2013 1:02 PM
sorry Svanya and everyone else, if i'd known, it wouldn't have got posted. sometimes you think you have a hot tip other times what you really have is a dud. If you want to tank it down I'll try and do some homework next time I post Fishkettlebanana :(


Admin2KAug-18-2013 2:43 PM
Fishkettlebanana don't say that!!! I love when you post stuff, you don't have to be sorry for anything!! If you do want to be sure something hasn't been posted just use the search function. :)


MemberNoobAug-18-2013 11:37 PM

I've read this news before, but it didn't sink-in that this happened on the account of someone being 'cutesy'.

o8ss.gif Just being cutesy guys, call-off your lawyers. You got nothin' on me anyway.

Judge: How does your client plead?

Defense: Cutesy, your honor.

Judge: Cutesy? Defense: Yes, in meaning... not guilty.

I don't mind if certain old thread topics come-up, again (they may be relevant to re-discuss). Really, we are quite a small group of posters compared to several other of the forums here. And with that stated, I think the atmosphere is, & should stay relaxed for the time-being. I enjoy everyone's threads, & postings, even the silly ones.

Thanks fishkettlebanana + Svanya.



MemberNoobAug-19-2013 12:20 PM
At the risk of being Cutesy I'd just like to present this pic of Spinners and the LAPD tower in Star Wars,Episode 1. Note: No unicorns were harmed during the production of this post ;) The LAPD building. [img][/img] Spinner 1 [img][/img] Spinner 2 [img][/img] Here's a link to the Blade Zone article about this,just scroll down a bit: [url=]Blade Zone article[/url]


Admin2KAug-19-2013 5:20 PM
Lets not forget the Millenium Falcon was used in the Blade Runner set. :P Model maker Mark Stetson described it in his book Future Noir:[i] "At the time we were so frantic to get more buildings into the cityscape that we grabbed Bill's ship, bristled it with etched brass, and plopped it into different shots. Instant building. If you want to pick out the Falcon in that Hero Spinner landing sequence, look at the first of the two separate model shots making up that scene. The Millennium Falcon is right in the mid-foreground of the frame. In fact, the camera flies right over it during the beginning of that first shot. Just look for this little flashing blue Pan Am sign in the upper left of the frame at the start of that first shot, before the Hero Spinner starts coming in for a landing. The big, dark pointy building dead center in the foreground is the Millennium Falcon." [/i] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center] Source: [url=]Blastr[/url]


MemberNoobAug-21-2013 5:04 AM
[center][img][/img] Arigatou gozaima****a x 2 ;) S:)[/center]
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