Tony Gilroy may be taking over Rogue One: A Star Wars Story from Gareth Edwards
Scified2016-08-04 00:20:38
Written by David Gelmini4,165 Reads4 Comments2016-08-04 00:20:38

We've known for a while that there's been problems going on behind the scenes of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, with Disney apparently being unhappy with the cut of the film that director Gareth Edwards presented and ordering him to reshoot, but now the shit's really hit the fan: they've appointed Tony Gilroy to take the reigns.

Gilroy is the chap who picked up two Oscar nominations for his work on Michael Clayton, in addition to directing 2012's The Bourne Legacy. He was initially an uncredited writer on Rogue One, although according to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney have now allegedly promoted him to a much more senior position.

Not only was he heavily involved with the five week reshoots, but apparently he's also supervising the edit with input from Edwards. The second point seems to indicate that Disney have hired him as a replacement director, or at least to a position where he'll have authority over Edwards. A similar situation happened with 2013's 47 Ronin, in which director Carl Rinsch was locked out of the editing room after Universal felt that he was not taking the film in the direction they wanted it to go. 

With Rogue One being released in just a few months, such a drastic change does not seem to bode well for Disney's expectations of the film. We'll be keeping a close eye in this story as it develops.

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Gee W

MemberInitiateAug-04-2016 1:10 AM

Wow way to take a negative spin on this. Reports said that Gilroy is working together with Edwards, not that he's replaced him. Yes, maybe he has more control now than Edwards, but that doesn't mean he's completely taken over. Reshoots after the first cut are normal and having someone else edit with the director seems acceptable too. Disney is just trying to make the best movie possible, and perhaps wanted a different perspective. People are way too negative on this I feel...


AdminAtmanAug-04-2016 7:51 AM

I would have interpreted this negatively as well, in all honesty. Re-shoots are common, sure, but hiring someone to watch your every move and to essentially take over your position as director? Whether Edwards admits to it or not, that's a slap in the face. It limits his creative freedom and vision, no director wants that.

Mad Max: Fury Road was a nightmare of re-shoots, but at least Miller maintained his position and didn't have to be baby sat through the process. Hard not to take this update negatively.


MemberRespectedAug-04-2016 9:13 AM

Wow, never saw that coming! Upvoted!


MemberLegendAug-04-2016 10:28 AM

Looking into this story a bit more reveals that Tony Gilroy, having only directed three features is no more experienced than Edwards as a director, but he does have quite an extensive career as a screenwriter. The movies of which Gilroy has written are much lighter in tone than those written and directed thus far by Edwards which would suggest that Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams have brought Gilroy on board, not as a replacement director but to help Edwards lighten the tone of the movies narrative to be more in line with what audiences expect from a Star Wars movie.

Don't worry Rogue One isn't in danger, just needs a slight tweaking is all.

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