Darth Andeddu - the very first Darth ever to exist in Star Wars lore.

Scified2016-11-05 08:36:12https://www.scified.com/articles/darth-andeddu---very-first-darth-ever-exist-star-wars-lore-14.jpg
Written by Chris24,250 Reads20 Comments2016-11-05 08:36:12

Darth Plagueis was not the first Sith to master the art of cheating death. There was another, far more powerful Dark Side user who existed for many generations prior to Plagueis. His name was Darth Andeddu, an ancient Human originating from the planet of Prakith. This Dark Lord of the Sith was also the very first to use the title of "Darth" and was capable of extending his own life well past what any Force user had been capable of before.

Darth Andeddu was referred to as the Immortal God-King of Prakith. Knowledge of his existence was scarce following the Jedi Order's attempts to rid any mention of him from galactic records. However, many still knew of his existence and his immense power, which remained attainable well after his eventual death.

It is said that Count Dooku was one of the Sith who set off in search of Andeddu's knowledge and even discovered a Holocron, which contained reference to many of Andeddu's works. It is believed that this is where Dooku learned the ability to conjure Force Lightening - a power he supposedly passed on to his master, Darth Sidious.

YouTuber Star Wars Theory have pieced together a great video, detailing information about Darth Andeddu and the Jedi / Sith who came into contact with him and his relics. Be sure to watch the full video below and consider subscribing to their channel!

What do you think of Darth Andeddu and his capabilities? Do you think the legend of this great Sith may be mentioned in any of the upcoming Star Wars films? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section!

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I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-05-2016 8:38 AM

Didn't Yoda say that the Sith can never achieve immortality?


AdminAtmanNov-05-2016 8:42 AM

He didn't. He merely extended his mortality. He did die eventually.

I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-05-2016 8:47 AM

^Oh.  Plagueis is stronger than Andeddu IMO.  But no one is as strong as Sidious

I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-05-2016 8:51 AM

(No Sith, I mean.  Except maybe Valkorion/Vitiate)


MemberInitiateNov-05-2016 8:52 AM

Yoda is also a pretty hardline lightside user, and is ignorant of most of the things the dark side does.


I doubt Andeddu, will ever be mentioned in the new disney movies, or canon. He's too vague to bring in over other more noticable names they could market

Darth Shiro

MemberContributorNov-05-2016 8:54 AM

He looks creepy.

I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-05-2016 8:55 AM

^I hope they bring Revan into the new canon.  And go more into Bane's backstory


MemberInitiateNov-05-2016 8:57 AM



That's Bane's story. Hopefully if disney ever uses him they don't change much from this.

I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-05-2016 8:59 AM

^I really want them to incorporate him into the new canon, more than just a Clone Wars episode.  After all, he is my fifth favourite Sith

I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-05-2016 9:01 AM

Who looks creepy Shiro?


MemberInitiateNov-05-2016 9:02 AM

I'm hoping he gets one of the "Story" movies.


AdminAtmanNov-05-2016 9:19 AM

Youre hoping Darth Bane gets an anthology film, Durp? That would be sweet, Disney really isn't limited with how many spin-offs they can make.


MemberInitiateNov-05-2016 9:25 AM

Most definitely.

With legends destroyed and most of the new content featured around the movies and what happens around them, it would be nice to see a time before the movies and what it was like, I mean the Old Republic cinematics can blow you away with the few minutes they get, imagine a 2 hour movie of that.


And since the rule of two is such a big part of the lore, why not explore the guy who created it and what his time was like that forced him to kill off his own people so the 2 left could become stronger.

Darth Shiro

MemberContributorNov-05-2016 9:28 AM



AdminAtmanNov-06-2016 8:42 AM

@Durp, I totally agree with you. I've always been fascinated with origin stories. I would love to see both Jedi and Sith origins explored.

I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-06-2016 8:45 AM

Bane is one of many characters who deserve their own films


MemberInitiateNov-06-2016 1:27 PM

I don't think there are many characters that deserve their own film, but Bane definitely sticks out to me. 


At least more than the likes of Han Solo or Boba Fett. They even have the basic outline with Darth Bane Path of Destruction just get Peter Jackson to go make a movie out of that.


AdminAtmanNov-06-2016 5:03 PM

True, I feel they're focusing primarily on top tier characters so more people are aware of it and flock to see it. Although with a decent marketing campaign, and the Star Wars tag on it, I feel Disney could pull off just about any spin-off title for any character in the universe. Boba Fett is one I'm interested in seeing only because we saw very little of him in the original trilogy. His back story and various hunts would be very exciting to see explored, imo.

I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-06-2016 5:09 PM

^Attack of the Clones ruined Boba for me.  In the OT he was an awesome bounty hunter but you find out he's an annoying kid, who isn't even an original person...(what I mean is that he's a clone)


MemberInitiateNov-06-2016 10:11 PM

Yeah it's totally understandable to go to the characters that have a lot of fan recognition. It's the safe choice, Bane's never even mentioned in any of the movies by name, he just became one of the more popular EU characters to people tend to know about him(he is mentioned in the Phantom Menace novelization and early script though).


Taking a Legends character and making a movie about them always risks a bad backlash because it's so far away from the timeline they have set up. Bane is a 1000 years before anything we've seen in the movies so there's a risk it could bring confusion.


Buuuuuuuut, it's also a super interesting character that shaped the whole story as we see in the movies. I don't expect it to happen, but it's something I really really want.

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