MemberAnguirusJan-30-2023 11:01 AMwhen a company gets their dirty mits on the evangelion licence, they are going to do something with it, but what if the do more than just something and oh, screw it! I dont know how to do a compelling intro for this.
this topic is a chronicle and a tribute to weird tokusatsu merchandise. we are going to focus in on eva-01 merchandise, as that category of merch has the most... well....
eva-01 usb hub. so that your usb's can go berserk to!
eva-01 kiryu. machine that can go haywire + machine that can go berserk = a major league mistake for both nerv AND g-force!
eva-01 hat. do NOT, in any circumstance, wear this in public.
eva-01 box. is it really eva-01 anymore?
eva-01 mouse. this was 100% designed for battle prowess, im sure of it!
evazilla-01. godzilla and eva-01 woke up in the same bed one morning and found this thing lying on the floor. they never speak of that day EVER AGAIN.
eva-01 kamacuras. what if instead of basing the evas on adam, nerv just armored up some mantises and sent them in to battle sachiel? that, that is the best timeline.
eva-01 with godzilla colors. no its not!
eva-01 but shinji is gigantic. this image is more confusing than the show!
eva-01 but hes an inaccurate velociraptor. weren't the designers of the evas supposed to be the smart ones?!?!.....wait-
crayfish eva-01. perfect for the whole family!
leave your funky toku merch finds in the comments below.
or dont, I dont care!

MemberAnguirusJan-30-2023 11:48 AMheres an eva-02 crayfish

MemberBaragonJan-31-2023 1:39 AMits amazing how people can get a license of a popular franchise and just slap it onto something completely different AND STILL MAKE MONEY OUT OF IT

MemberAnguirusJan-31-2023 7:48 AMI dont think anyone bought the crayfishes though.
heres an eva-02 raptor

MemberAnguirusJan-31-2023 8:05 PMheirs the tokustatsu haul for january 2023.
Im trying to get into the wider world of tokusatsu in 2023, luckily everything is going through anniversary's, which means more north american realeases!

Cool Godzilla
MemberGiganJan-31-2023 11:00 PMThose designs are both hilarious and ridiculous at the same time.

MemberBaragonFeb-03-2023 5:38 AMto be honest i kinda would of bought the hat

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-03-2023 12:14 PMI don't think I can properly express how much I want the crayfish. I don't know how or why someone thought that was a good idea, but I love them for it and I want an army of them.

Cool Godzilla
MemberGiganFeb-04-2023 1:48 AMI would probably go for the Kiryu despite its colour.

MemberAnguirusFeb-06-2023 11:00 AMpardon?

MemberAnguirusFeb-06-2023 2:51 PMYour a new member, you have only been active on the godzilla forums and you haven't posted anything thats not godzilla related, so I dont think you would of gotten an "account warning for posting in the wrong forum" and i dont think that even exists, that doesn't make any sense. also, this forum isnt just godzilla, its pretty much an all-around hub for all tokusatsu and giant monster shit. and evangelion definitely qualifies as giant monster shit. which qualifys it for this forum.

MemberAnguirusFeb-06-2023 2:54 PMand yes, I know you can post stuff on other forums. your comment comes off as rude.