References/Easter Eggs in Kong: Skull Island

MemberAnguirusJun-10-2021 8:26 PMtime to talk about a movie from 2017 lol
Ok so...I originally was going to make this topic just for the scene when it's mentioned there's giant ants that sound like birds. Sound familiar?
I hadn't heard really anyone talk about this reference until I went snooping around and found these lists:
and I found out there's a lot more call backs than I could realize. It's a bit refreshing because all anyone wanted to talk about were the cave paintings when me and my parents felt like the only ones who saw a Them! reference.
I've got weird personal connections to Them! and I dunno why
so's this!

MemberAnguirusJun-11-2021 9:03 AMI thought the same thing.
Another potential Easter egg is in the scene where the group first meet the Skull Islanders. Marlow attempts to calm the Iwi down stating "Everybody keep your wigs on!". In the original 1933 King Kong during the scene where Kong breaks through the wall, the natives panic, one of them attempts to free some chickens from a pen, during which he trips and gets his wig caught on the pen causing it to come off.

MemberAnguirusJun-11-2021 10:16 AMI actually haven't seen the OG King Kong
jeez now i feel like a faker...fhrjdkmjifi-
That's interesting though!

MemberGiganJun-14-2021 8:29 AMhmmmm