Did anyone else notice

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-28-2019 4:44 AMI don't know if this has been mentioned and I tried to edit it the best I could to show what it is I am talking about but that to me looks like mecha Gs face on the banner. You can just about make out another eye on the left near Kongs face.

MemberRodanAug-28-2019 9:50 PMI'm not sure.. if that was intentional... but if it is, YEEEEEEES
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberRodanAug-29-2019 8:01 AMThat looks more like a snout to me
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-29-2019 9:31 AMyeah a snout, two eyes but one of the eyes above the "N" looks more mechanical

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaAug-29-2019 10:38 AMY'know, if you look at that section of Kong's hair, and squint, you can see Kong's hair.

Titan of Water
MemberBaragonAug-29-2019 1:54 PMI don’t see crap.
Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time