MemberTriceratopsNov-19-2018 2:48 PMTurns out, a new abelisaurid, formally described this year (abstract of journal article here) was just named after the infamous Marvel villain, with a wacked-out chin, who wiped out half the universe this year...

I Meme Everything
MemberAllosaurusNov-21-2018 7:50 PMIt's literally named just for a neck bone...
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberAllosaurusNov-21-2018 8:45 PMLet see if this little guy gets to keep his name or will join the long history of discarded dinosaur names.

MemberVelociraptorJan-31-2019 8:49 PMI hope they name the next one after Darkseid, and hopefully another Abelisaurid XD. Or maybe after Galacticus..... hmm..... Anyways, if I were to come up with an actual name, depending on the animal, I'd call it "Texasraptor parvaneh", or "Texas Thief _____", but only if it fit the animal. What? I'm not going to tell you the full meaning, but kudos to you if you can figure out what language the species name is from and what it means. What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, Thanos. Wait, which Thanos? DAMN IT!!!!!!!! EVERYTIME!!!!!
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.