MemberOvomorphSep-26-2017 9:41 PMAnybody allready guessed who these figures on the cathedral could be? The guy to the right in the middle looks like the typical representation of god in the christian religion. Given the 2 figures on the cathedral entrance are in the movie, im guessing the people on the right there are aswell, you just cant see them because they dont show the cathedral from that particular angle, and the movie is just too dark in general. Would love to hear what you guys think abou that. If there allready is a topic about this, just delete this one and send me the link to the other one please.

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerSep-27-2017 9:33 AM@PunishedEngineer - I can honestly say after seeing the Cathedral image many, many times that I have not even noticed the images you mention until now! OH my, the cloaked Engineer on the left looks like the Virgin Mary holding a baby? Both sides really resemble the work of Michelangelo? Once again, I am compelled to reference the Roman Empire as the Earthly counterpart? Great find!!

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2017 12:57 PM@Cerulean Blue Thanks. I thought the same thing with the figure on the left. But she/he could be praying aswell. Still really fascinating stuff. Especially the figure on the right in the middle, I mean thats basically the representaion of God, white clothes, long white beard etc. But we have to keep in mind that this is just concept art, so who knows if the mural to the right is actualy in the movie. But i think it is given the fact that the figures on the entrance are in there. Theres just so much detail and care put in the movie that you dont see or realize in the time it flys by you.