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favorite character in the alien franchise.
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Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterAug-11-2017 11:16 PM

So, Who is your favorite character from the alien franchise other than ripley.

mine are probably hudson and golic from the assebally cut of alien 3.

food ain't that bad! - Parker

26 Replies


MemberPraetorianAug-12-2017 1:27 AM

Clemen's (Charles Dance) character to me sums up the entire Alienverse. Broken, deeply flawed but still kicking on, best he can (or could). 


MemberFacehuggerAug-12-2017 7:44 AM

I love lots of characters. But I agree Clemens is a very special character, probably because in Alien 3 nobody really stands out except him. He wasn't some hero or ones who complains a lot. He doesn't talk bullshit while has his own way of thought. Also I like his manner and soft spoken tone.


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2017 8:44 AM

Definitely David. Parker and Brett are fun as hell too! At least before the killing begins... Also I'll give a shoutout to Larry Purvis! The nerd in Resurrection who has the embryo in him the whole damn time. He is ridiculous, but I enjoy him!

Not a map, an invitation


MemberOvomorphAug-12-2017 9:21 AM

Clemens and Lambert

Barf The Mog

MemberFacehuggerAug-12-2017 9:23 AM

Clemens for me too. 

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterAug-12-2017 9:27 AM

i don't know what alot of people mean when they say that alien 3 didn't have memorable characters. I actually remember more names of charectors in alien3 than in aliens. the one known for its character. dillon, clemens, golic, and morse are all pretty memorable to me.

food ain't that bad! - Parker


MemberXenomorphAug-12-2017 10:03 AM

Timmy the ultramorph even Ripley is memorable in Alien 3 compared to Aliens. 

And half of Bishop and a dead Newt are better in Alien 3 than in Aliens.

Such an underrated movie.

Same as Alien Covenant. 

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

Im Durp

MemberFacehuggerAug-12-2017 7:49 PM

Ripley in aliens since thats when i think her character peaked


MemberOvomorphAug-12-2017 8:30 PM



MemberFacehuggerAug-12-2017 9:33 PM

David/Walter, Tennessee, Bishop, Mr.Weyland, Hudson, Lope, Daniels, Shaw, Kane and Ash 


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2017 9:42 PM

Great topic! Upvoted!

My very favorite character is definitely Bishop.

Actually, I just bought a new car and named it Bishop.

Bishop is just a good person who puts up with a lot of disrespect yet faithfully looks out for the well-being of others, even when he himself has suffered considerably.

I think he is the character I both relate to and aspire to emulate.

I recently got the book "Aliens: Bug Hunt" (I bought it because I saw it had a Bishop story in it) and I when I read the story "Broken" about Bishop it actually made me cry and just made me like and relate to him even more.

Actually, I find his death in Alien 3 just really unbearable. I've said it before but, if anyone can write a fan-fiction with a better outcome for him, I'd be really really happy to read it.

I'd write one, but sadly I can't write stories with happy endings.

For Close Encounters

MemberOvomorphAug-12-2017 10:27 PM

Hicks.   By far.  Best protagonist is any action film in my opinion.   

Space JOC

MemberOvomorphAug-13-2017 5:38 AM

David, he's brilliant 


MemberXenomorphAug-13-2017 5:52 AM

David, Clemens, Dillon

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterAug-13-2017 9:58 AM

David, I relate to him so. Fassbender nails the part and you couldn't imagine another actor in the role. He's like a dark Bishop (another fantastic character). I also liked Clemens a lot as well and was sad when he was killed like that. Other favorites are Hudson, Parker, Golic, and Call.

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


MemberNeomorphAug-13-2017 10:12 AM

I think lamber, though not my fave chacter, deserves a wee mention. I thought Cartwright did an amazing job of projecting fear onto the screen. couldn't imagine her as ripley so I think they made the right choice in casting her as lambert instead of ripley


MemberFacehuggerAug-13-2017 10:16 AM

Fassbender is a perfect cast for David. Agree he really nails the character and I just couldn't think of any other actor who can portray as good as him. He is genius.


MemberChestbursterAug-13-2017 11:44 AM

Alive Shaw (not corpse one), janek, Bishop and the pilot lady in the drop ship female pilot (with the says "In the pipe 5 by 5")

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterAug-13-2017 12:12 PM

 I also liked Gediman, come at me! He was a goof lol

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


MemberPraetorianAug-13-2017 2:40 PM

Lawrence of Arabia haha Gediman was a good character

I might also throw in Vriess

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterAug-13-2017 2:44 PM

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterAug-13-2017 2:57 PM

although  i enjoyed a few charectors from resurrection, They sort of just made the movie lightharted to me. thats just my opinion.

food ain't that bad! - Parker

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterAug-13-2017 3:11 PM

Timmy the ultramorph I see your point. Aliens had quippy characters too but they balanced it out nicer with the darkness. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed it. Each film added something different to the franchise.

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


MemberPraetorianAug-13-2017 3:11 PM

Lawrence of Arabia hahah awesome!!

Timmy the ultramorph its classic Joss Whedon humour....though heavily bastardised  


MemberNeomorphAug-14-2017 9:29 AM

My favorite is probably Clemens from Alien 3. He is sort of quiet but still goes his own way look at his conversation with Andrews "I am the doctor you are the jailer". 


After Clemens my favorite is Vasquez. I like her attitude for example when she pulls out some shells after being forced to give them to someone in Aliens (Apone?). She has some "don't take any shit" kind of attitude. Who can forget “Let’s rock!!!”?


The only movie where I have had Ripley as number one is in Alien, I don't know why.


MemberFacehuggerAug-15-2017 4:05 PM

Ripley, Shaw, Bishop and Walter

Cleaner than Earth Actually

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