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Just Saw Alien Covenant

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MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 12:24 PM

Long time lurker here.Let me introduce myself so you know where I'm coming from.Ive been a fan of ALIEN since 1979 when I was 9 years old.Didnt get to see it till I was 14 on VHS.But in 1979 my father talking to my mothe was talking about this movie his friend at work saw where this thing burst out of a guy's chest .......I was hooked.

I probably avg. 3-4 times a year watching ALIEN.Its hands down my favorite movie all time and superior to Aliens, Is know two different types of movies.


Anyway,been checking out the leaks and discussions here and reviews.Call me crazy but all the negative things the reviews said intrigued me and seemed ok.

I can see how this film could be polarizing.I for one thought Ridley did a good job bridging Prometheus while getting us closer to Alien.

I DONT believe you could totally enjoy this film without a good working knowledge of Prometheus and ALIEN.

2 guys in front of me left at about 4 minutes in?

3 seats away a middle aged woman was by herself as was I.Thinking she was a pretty hard core fan to be there on a sunny 85 degree at 10:30 on a Friday morning as I was I asked her what she thought." Thought it was stupid".No elaboration.I said,"really aren't you a fan?".She said no not really.

Suprisingly there were about 20 people there.


I liked Covenant a lot.Not enough Alien? Me either,but that's the trick.Leave you wanting more.We still have at least one more people.

Fassbender killed it,the twist at the end was good.Somewhat predictable but good.

I loved the Protomorph the way it was filmed walking into the bay at the end very creepy.

I like how they were more anamalistic too,hopefully we get the biomechanical next with slow deliberate moves and stealth love joe th 79 version.


The nepmorps were cool too.

I didn't dig the stare down with David and his reaction,minor.

The chestburster with Crudup was the single biggest goof IMO.Rather silly.


Loved the score mixing both movies and new material.

Of course visuals were on point.

The only other critisizm is I thought th CGI was shockingly bad a few times.


Overall I think this will grow on me after multiple viewings like Prometheus did,I also liked it initially too although this movie is better.

I think the philosophy of the movie with David,God,etc was well done.I can see why people expecting a "action blockbuster" would be dissapointed.......but ALIEN wasn't a action movie either it had many undertones and Covenant brings some new fresh welcome ones IMO.




4 Replies


MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 12:32 PM

I actually got a kick out of the chest burster and almost laughed a little. I was waiting for a beam of light to shine down on the little guy and the ride of the valkyries to start playing, lol.


David and the aliens share some kind of bond. The neomorph began mimicking him or trying to communicate and the baby xeno seemed to acknowledge him. Perhaps he did something when he engineered them. It would be nice if they explore that a little more. Perhaps the aliens sense he isn't alive. I believe they did an alien perspective shot when it was walking down the corridor.  


Was that through the xeno's eyes when it was all red? Maybe I'm reading too much into it. 


The one cgi effect that I was iffy on was when the woman's head get bit off. I was mad they cut away and didn't show full decapitation and you could blatantly tell it was cgi. The blood didn't spray enough and they needed more.


The woman I saw it with has seen the alien movies. She isn't a hardcore fan but she really enjoyed it. 


MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 12:46 PM

Yes, I agree the end was pedictable.  Surprised no crew noticed he wasn't self-healing.


MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 12:53 PM

one other thing about the cgi. The mouth burster was kind of lame. I was waiting for the entire guys head to explode and the thing plop out. I thought they could of done better with that one.


MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 2:45 PM

Almost midnight in South Africa, just left the cinema... this is what i thought of covenant 


Fass was amazing, too good

I agree with the majority of the fans, the pacing of the movie was a little to fast after the find shaw and davids crashed ship

The neomorph was boss, just a ruthless savage loved it


The photomorph yeah i think its not a xeno, firstly when its born it comes out with arms and legs similar to the deacon so im guessing its still "in beta" david is still to refine it

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