Jurassic World Movies

Dinosaur Apprieciation

2488 Views10 Replies
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MemberCompsognathusApr-21-2017 12:23 PM

Hiii! For Dino appreciation answer these questions:

1. What is your favourite dinosaur?

2. What is your opinion on how the dinosaurs died off.

3. Which dinosaur would you deem to be the most deadly?

~Clever Girl~

10 Replies

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusApr-21-2017 2:11 PM

1. T.rex

2. Meteor

3. T.rex

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberAllosaurusApr-21-2017 4:57 PM



Good grief.


MemberStegosaurusApr-21-2017 4:59 PM

I agree with Tyrant.

Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

The Hooded Figure

MemberStegosaurusApr-21-2017 5:06 PM


I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusApr-21-2017 5:07 PM

^What is this "Apocalyptic Flood"?

"Part of the journey is the end..."

The Hooded Figure

MemberStegosaurusApr-21-2017 5:15 PM



MemberTriceratopsApr-22-2017 11:36 AM

1.  T.rex.

2.  Alvarez asteroid theory, resulting in violent climate and landscape changes.

3.  A pack of raptors.


MemberCompsognathusApr-22-2017 4:07 PM

Given my current profession and approaching a year of being in college for paleontology, I appreciate dinosaurs to the fullest extent. Now, to answer the questions:

1. Spinosaurus

2. Meteor

3. Probably Utahraptor, I mean it can follow you pretty much anywhere and it WILL outrun you.


MemberCompsognathusApr-23-2017 5:20 PM

1. Ceratosaurus

2. Meteor followed by environmental changes

3. For an exclusive time period? Allosaurus. Overall? Pack of Raptors...maybe T-Rex. 

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusApr-23-2017 5:56 PM

1. Either Utahraptor or Dakotaraptor. I can't decide.

2. They began to slowly die out during the Late Cretaceous but were finished off by the mass extinction.

3. Probably some sort of dromaeosaur. Probably the arctic Troodon or Dakotaraptor.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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