Another ancient spacefaring race?

MemberChestbursterMar-18-2017 3:45 PMThis thread contains spoilers for Alien: Out of the Shadows, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! :P
While reading BigChap72's topic "What really caused Ashes Meltdown in Alien?" I stumbled across a book called Alien: Out of the Shadows.
After some digging I found out that A:OotS is considered canon, apparently. So listened to the audiobook or as it is called audio drama.
During the story they discover an ancient bioship and ruins on LV-178. Some of you might say "Bioship, ruins, what's the surprize?". True, bioships and ruins are all over the place in the alien universe. No biggie there.
However there's a catch. One of the characters in the story has seen the derelict on LV-426 and states that the ship on LV-178 is different from the 426-derelict. It's way bigger and has at least one wing.
Ok maybe the baldy schwarzeneggers had ships of different types and sizes. Totally reasonable, right?
Well... As the story moves along they find Xenos (Surprize! XD) but they also find the former owners of the ship, or what's left of them.
Interestingly the corpses are not engineers but rather something that resembles the egyptian god Anubis (as one of the books protagonists states). Later they're also referred to as dog-aliens.
In the book it is concluded that the bioship was shot down and the dog-aliens are somehow connected with the Xenos.
Since it was the first time I've heard of them I was like "Wait what?!" and looked at the Anubis papyrus hanging on the livingroom wall.
But who are these guys? The power above the engineers? An opposing faction?
Lemme me know what you think or know.
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MemberNeomorphMar-18-2017 3:54 PMFirst of all, GREAT topic Tiwaz!
If I recall correctly, in ALIEN: River of Pain (the sequel to Out of the Shadows), it is also mentioned that upon exploration of the LV-426 derelict, corpses of 'dog aliens' were found.
So it's not the only ship.
I can only hypothesize that this 'Anubis' species was a competitor to the Engineers, maybe responsible for Earth's eastern civilizations (Egypt, India, etc.) while the latter took care of the west (Greece, central America, etc.)
Anyhow I'm really REALLY excited to learn more about this species in future installments (books or/and movies). Thank you for bringing it up ;)
But could those leaked Covenant photos of the heads provide a clue? They look quite Egyptian.
Is this why Weyland Corp. uses Egyptian logos?
Again, wonderful topic! Upvoted!

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerMar-18-2017 4:00 PMGreat topic. I had brought up other points from out of the shadows to help make connections on another thread and got shot down that it wasn't canon. I'm with you though, I think it would be great if this is canon aND adds to the mystery/story of the xeno/engineer connection.

MemberChestbursterMar-18-2017 4:08 PMFirst off, glad to hear. :)
Wich pictures, did I miss anything? .... Oh those, sorry the pics didn't load forget my question. XP
Wich thread?
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberNeomorphMar-18-2017 4:10 PMI've posted the pictures above-- note how "dog-like" those Aliens are, and how Egyptian those structures look.

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerMar-18-2017 4:19 PM@Tiwaz
It was the thread about how ash may have malfunctioned in alien. I stated that it could have been because he downloaded himself into the computer on the Nostromo before his confrontation with Ripley. I got a response saying it was unacceptable because alien:OoTS was not canon. I think there is big difference in opinion as to what is or what isn't canon, which is good. It broadens different ideas.

MemberChestbursterMar-18-2017 4:31 PMOh, that one. I know that pic. Didn't strike me as "canine" though rather as reptilian. But that was before I had read A:OotS.
As for the heads, you're right. Especially the sharp edges around the lips. Quite similar to what I've seen myself when I was in Egypt.
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberOvomorphMar-18-2017 4:34 PMThe logo for the Covenant is solely based on the "Ark of the Covenant". It is pretty obvious so don't get yourselves all worked up over Egyptian gods and dog aliens.

MemberChestbursterMar-18-2017 4:39 PMDon't believe they mentioned the exact location of LV-178. But I may have missed it or forgotten it. Age and hard hearing is a bad combo,you know. hehe
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberPraetorianMar-18-2017 4:42 PMOK, but it would be good to know if it is the third big moon of the Calpamos system where we find LV-223 and LV-426.

MemberChestbursterMar-18-2017 4:53 PMSPOILER!
I doubt it is in the same system. Timewise it takes place 37 yrs after the Nostromo incident. And that is also the time Ripley is drifting through space before she get's to the Marion orbiting LV-178.
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerMar-18-2017 5:20 PMWhat's also interesting is that the ruins and ship they find are deep under rock which reinforce how ancient the back story goes.

MemberPraetorianMar-18-2017 5:21 PMThank you, I found everything here:
I don't know...

MemberChestbursterMar-18-2017 6:18 PMJust a word of encouragement, don't let other's opinions hinder you in stating your views. Just research a bit before posting. Like i did when i checked if A:OotS is canon.
Further, after rereading your post regarding Ash and the answer to it you weren't exactly "shot down". The answering poster wrote "... I'm not sure if Lebbons book is considered canon. ..." and stated his oppinion with "...but I can't accept that. ...". All in a, as I see it, polite and decent manner.
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.