MemberPraetorianFeb-04-2017 4:26 PMI've said it a dozen times,i like the idea of AVP.Over the years it has entertained me through various video games,books,and comics.But when it finally hit the big screen,the results were underwhelming.There's a certain watchability to the first one,it's still by no means great.Requiem on the other hand is beyond redemption.Now thanks to Fire and Stone,predator is officially part of the Alien universe i guess.This may not be a bad thing though.With a more focused Alien canon perhaps the predator will play a better than they previously have.Alien Covenant,The Predator,and even Blade Runner 2049,is Fox attempting a more cohesive universe with these movies?Or should things like AVP be left to the imagination.
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MemberChestbursterFeb-04-2017 7:02 PMI don't mind AVP as long as the brand is consigned to video games, books and comics. I can't take it seriously but I still enjoy the concept.
The idea is good but I knew it wouldn't be executed well as live action films, in part because the Xenos are rendered less scary when fighting against Predators in a vs film rather than the cinematic nightmares that we were used to in the previous films.
With the AvP films leaving a bad taste already I certainly hope we'll be spared a Xeno vs Neo in AC as I find it hard to imagine a vs battle in a serious way without thinking about AVP all over again.
Also, because one of the two "fighting" aliens tend to appear more or less like a wimp when defeated, erasing some or all mighty horror appeal the creature previously had (again AVP made the xeno less scary) like the Engineer getting toyed with against the 50's tentacle beast called the "trilobite" (for some odd reason) Not so mighty anymore huh? See what I mean? Then again this is just my opinion.

MemberFacehuggerFeb-05-2017 3:59 AMNeomorph- One thing I loved about Prometheus was it's retro feel, like an amped up 50's Saturday matinee gone berserk.
The Trilobite creature first appeared in Damon Lindelof's script as the Troglybite. From there I think it acquired the name due to the similarity of it's initial concept art to a Trilobite.
I get what you're saying about creatures fighting, but an attack could also serve to establish the power of the new threat.

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 4:05 AMI personally love Prometheus,but i also understand why people dislike it.Alien vs Neomorph may not be bad as long as the movie doesn't focus on it too much or get carried away with it.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberChestbursterFeb-05-2017 4:34 AMI get what you're saying about creatures fighting, but an attack could also serve to establish the power of the new threat
Alien vs Neomorph may not be bad as long as the movie doesn't focus on it too much or get carried away with it.
Good points there from you guys.
Aorta if you like retrofuturism, I recommend the Fallout games, retro then I recommend Bioshock.

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 4:44 AMGreat games Neomorph.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberFacehuggerFeb-05-2017 11:14 AMI don't know if I would say that just because the two movies about it that have come out have been less than stellar the concept itself just isn't made of the screen. Sure some things seems to work better in comic and novel form but if they actually tried with a movie they could probably get it to work, I just don't really think they have with the AVP films. The first is ok to me. I don't love it, but it sits close to A3, Predator 2, and Prometheus for me personally so it's not like the standout bad movie of the franchises, that accolade is reserved for the sequel, however moreso than story that has to do with some of the worst cinematography I've ever seen in a large budget motion picture.
I think it could work if you got the right people behind it, the question is just how hard that would be.

MemberFacehuggerFeb-05-2017 1:08 PMThe idea is really cool for fans, but the story is extremely stupid with no good reason to be in the alien universe.

I Meme Everything
MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 1:26 PMAVP sucks balls
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberXenomorphFeb-05-2017 1:33 PMAn AvP film with marines fighting Aliens and Predators in some future space setting would easily work. Might not be thoughtful or intelligent, but it would at least be entertaining. More so than the generally dull existing films.

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 2:14 PMThat's what i like about some of the games
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

Sci-Fi King25
MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 3:11 PMI thought the first movie was okay, but I preferred the way the 2010 game had it- marines fighting Xenomorphs and the Predator shows up somewhere in there.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

I Meme Everything
MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 3:13 PM^don't forget the comics
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberXenomorphFeb-05-2017 3:24 PMThe games and comics are all about humans fighting the Aliens and Predators. In the films the humans mostly just ran away.

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 3:35 PMI once again agree.One of the biggest problems i have with the movies is there's too much of an emphasis on the human characters.Not only are they forgettable,it's too much about them.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberXenomorphFeb-05-2017 3:47 PMYou need emphasis on the humans so you care when they're inevitably caught in the crossfire. Weyland and Miller showed a glimmer of being more than one dimensional but weren't given enough time to develop.
When you emphasise the humans - you need to develop them a bit more. Lex and Sebastian were exactly the same from the time we meet them till the time we leave them.
Ditto Dallas, Ricky and Kelly in AvP:R. Some interesting bits and pieces about Dallas and Kelly were excised from earlier drafts. Stuff about Dallas doing time for something Ricky did; Kelly having a distant relationship with Molly and the fallout from 'abandoning' both her and Tim. All we're left with is dull cardboard cutouts.

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 3:58 PMOfcourse there needs to be character.Just aliens and Predators would be mindless.What im pointing is that both dwelled a little too much on these characters that turned out to be pretty forgettable thanks to bad writing as you were pointing out.Aliens vs Predator:Prey had characters or at least a character i liked.Also which one was Miller,I haven't watched the movie in years.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 4:00 PMI haven't read Requiem's script.Is it any better than the movie?
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 4:07 PMCharacters is also something i hold against the 2010 AVP game.While i enjoy it,the characters failed to leave an impression.Whether it was the silent protagonist who doesn't even have a name,or all the random marines,they're all just fodor for the xenomorph and Predator.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberXenomorphFeb-05-2017 4:33 PMWith AvP:Prey, you instantly have someone you can get into with Machiko because she's aloof, and has been aloof for sometime prior to the story starting. But she actively makes an effort to change quite early, which endears her to the reader.
So almost straight away we can see someone for whom things aren't working out, so adapts. Other characters try to continue to paint her as a stuck up 'suit', but gradually that fades as the they too see her change.
Ripley did the same thing in Alien. Lex in AvP didn't. She started out tough; she finished tough, so there's nothing especially interesting about her character.
"I haven't read Requiem's script.Is it any better than the movie?"
Not really. There's the odd bit here and there that might've been cool, but ultimately it's about as bad as the film.

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 4:56 PMMachinko is the one i like.I haven't read the sequels yet but i know she runs with the predators but is considered an outcast being human.It should be fascinating.I know the movie was going for the same thing,but Requiem abandoned those ideas.About Requiem script,not surprised,Shane Salerno is bad writer wherever he goes.
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MemberXenomorphFeb-05-2017 5:06 PMIf he's getting gigs writing Avatar sequels he must be doing something right...

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 6:02 PMHe's still attached to Avatar?The last i saw he was replaced with Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver.If James trusts him then maybe he can do some good.Most of the time i think he's just a for hire guy.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberXenomorphFeb-05-2017 6:14 PMMaybe he's not. I just had a glance at IMDB and it had him listed against the Avatar flicks.

MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 6:33 PMI just checked his Wikipedia,it says the same.Looks like i might have got some bad info.
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