Jurassic World Movies

DINO DEATH BATTLE: Spinosaurus VS Suchomimus

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Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-01-2016 1:22 AM

Hey guys welcome to.....DINO DEATH BATTLE!! Yeah the last ones were just a concept for the series. If you're wondering where is Kaiju Death Battle well, i'm taking a pause from it. But no worries their will be a Kaiju Death Battle coming soon.I have planned to make a tale about dinosaurs like Gorilla Godzilla is doing with The End! I'm still thinking but it will come soon. So today the prehistoric monsters who are going to rip each other apart are: Spinosaurus and Suchomimus! Let the slaughter begin:


Spinosaurus a most fearsome predator was swimming in a river catching Giant Sawfish and eating them. This Spinosaurus was the master of this river. No other predator dared to approach the mighty beast yet...Spinosaurus heard the roar of another dinosaur. He saw a Suchomimus in front of him challenging him for his territory. Spinosaurus swam to the bank of the river roaring and snapping at the Suchomimus. Suchomimus growled. The beast circled each other analyzing their opponents. Suchomimus charged at the Spino with his maw open. Spinosaurus using his huge claws, swiped the Suchomimus. Yet Suchomimus being smaller dodged the attack and bit the Spinosaurus's tail. Spinosaurus roared in pain. Enraged the huge beast used swiped his long and muscular tail wiping the Suchomimus down. Suchomimus got up and clawed at the Spinosaurus. The beast stumbled back. But he wasn't done. The mighty predator bit the Suchomimus's maw forcing it to close. The Sucho's maw was bleeding abundantly as the Spinosaurus was crushing it. The Suchomimus was pushing the Spino and with much effort, he freed himself. The Suchomimus yet in much pain was still able to battle. He bit the Spinosaurus neck yet the predator, using his immense size threw the Suchomimus in the river.

Spinosaurus charged at the Suchomimus and clawed his left eye out. Suchomimus stumbled back in the river. Spinosaurus then bit the Suchomimus neck and threw him on the ground. The Suchomimus was exposed and vulnarable. The Spinosaurus bit the Suchomimus's neck and with a powerful swift....he ripped a piece of the Suchomimus's neck. Spinosaurus reared his neck up and roared victoriously... he was still the king of the river.

I hope you enjoyed this Dino Death Battle and see ya' all in the next one peace!

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

8 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-01-2016 4:08 AM

Nice job. I don't have much else to say, it's been so long since I've written a fight. Maybe go into more detail with the scene of the battle.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-01-2016 5:29 AM


Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberAllosaurusNov-01-2016 8:23 AM

Job done well.

Good grief.


MemberAllosaurusNov-01-2016 8:49 AM



Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-01-2016 10:01 AM


Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusNov-01-2016 1:11 PM

Go Spino!!!

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-01-2016 7:17 PM

LORD SHIRO - This was an exceptionally fun and brutal battle! I greatly enjoyed the way in which you described the animals' motions and attack methods! Fantastic work! Thank you ever so much for taking the time to create this and share it with us! :)

Darth Shiro

MemberStegosaurusNov-01-2016 10:04 PM

Aww thank you all for your kind words!

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

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