MemberNoobOct-06-2016 3:53 AMI am looking for a movie in which a turtle was sent in a parallel world exploration.
I remember that this movie is set in a school / college laboratory where some students are doing this experiment: a turtle was sent forth and back to a parallel universe, using a teleport machine, and one day one of the students decides to enter in the teleport machine in place of the turtle to explore the world by himself...
I think that the movie was aired on 1998, I guess that it could be probably produced between 1994-1997...
Please, help me finding this movie! I was a kid when I was watching it and I couldn't see the final! :-)
Member2KOct-06-2016 7:53 AMis it animated?
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop
MemberInitiateOct-07-2016 11:34 PM...weird description. But i'll try to find it.
"A living nuclear weapon destined to walk the Earth forever. Indestructible. A victim of the modern nuclear age."
MemberNoobApr-15-2018 4:46 AMCan you suggest me a search engine or some web services to look for this movie?