I Meme Everything
Member2KSep-01-2016 4:57 AMThis is impossipossipossible! Possipossipossible! XD
Qui-Gon: Anakin, stay right where you are.
Anakin: But I-
Qui-Gon: Shut the **** up!
Wow that's fitting music for a funeral.
That ending...lol
Yeah if Obi-Wan caught them...
Obi-Wan: Your dicks are very impressive. You must be very proud.
Lol that Obi-Wan vs Jango Fett scene.
And that one where the beast runs Jango over.
And of course...
Palpatine's fart lol
Anakin: Buzz droids! *Starts making buzzing noises
Obi-Wan: O **** I kild Ani
Darth Vader: ***** PLEASE
Darth Tyranus: Your penises please!
Grevious: I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little ******!
Mace Windu: Take a **** young Skywalker.
Anakin: NO!
Lol Anakin vs Obi-Wan
Legolas lol
Palpatine: Are you going to **** me?
Anakin: I would certainly like to.
Obi-Wan: Oh dear.
Lol Yoda falling and jumping
That intro text XD
That first Luke scene lol
That Vader and Tarkin scene is better than any scene between them in the actual film
Han right before he says "What are you talking about?" lol
That stormtrooper scene...
Dancing stormtroopers!
Captain Antilles: *tries to stab Vader with a lightsaber*
Darth Vader: ***** PLEASE
*Officer gags a buncha times when Vader releases his Force choke*
Han: Negative negative
Darth Vader: The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the penis!
*Audience laughs*
Leia: Why you scruffy-up, half-looking, nerf-witted, half-stuck, scruffy-witted, nerf-looking nerf nerf nerf nerf neh neh neh neh laserbrain!
Han: *Shoots lasers out of brain*
Han Solo can't dance
General: Prepare for-
Palpatine: Battle!
Han and Leia lol
C-3PO: The possibilities of successfully navigating an ass are approximately OVER 9000 to 1.
That Yoda scene XD
Palpatine: Search Bing, Lord Vader. Destroyers.
That Lando and Han scene...0_0
The epic conclusion tho
That opening with Luke lol
That scene with 3PO
Han XD
Jabba: SHUT THE **** UP!
Han's eyes lol
Sidious: Soon one of us will be crushed if young Skywalker becomes one with the Rebellion.
Vader's reaction tho
Han: Did you **** Luke?
Leia: Uh yeah
Sidious: His compassion for you will be his undoing. And he will bring you before you.
The Ewok death lol
Chewie and 2 stormtroopers...oh Gawd
Vader and Sidious 0_0
"Part of the journey is the end..."