Choose two sci-fi movies that you would like to see remade.

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MemberNoobJun-30-2016 1:00 AM

These days there seems to be a lot of remakes and reboots. It makes me think back and remember old sci-fi movies that by today's standards would appear very dated and even corny.                                                    If you were to choose two movies to be remade what would they be.                                           For me, I would choose Frank Herbert's 'Dune' and an old classic called 'The forbidden planet'.                     Make you choice or  criticize mine.

"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"
16 Replies

Something Real

MemberLegendJun-30-2016 2:53 AM

PULSERIFLE 187 - What an exceptionally fun topic! Hmm...if I were given the chance to remake two science fiction films, I would go with Screamers and Enemy Mine. Both films would likely be amazing if brought forward into today's special effects wizardry! :)


MemberNoobJun-30-2016 3:52 AM

YES! Enemy mine is an awesome movie. Good choice.

"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberInitiateJun-30-2016 3:52 AM

TBH most of the movies I would have listed already have been remade to some extent, and it's almost always a less quality product than the original.

That being said if I had to choose probably the Universal monster movies- Creature from the Black Lagoon, and The Invisible Man.

I Meme Everything

Member2KJun-30-2016 4:07 AM

Both AVP movies, they need to be made better

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Patient Leech

MemberInitiateJun-30-2016 8:23 AM

I've seen Enemy Mine. I agree with that choice. That was a good flick.

I'm not really sure what else. I would say something older like The Fly, but I love Cronenberg's version from the 80s, so no need to remake that. I would say Planet of the Apes, but they're already doing that and doing a great job at it. I would like to see a good Alien vs Predator, too, like LT said, but I'm honestly not sure Hollywood is capable of doing it justice (even though I'm not familiar with the comics). I dunno, I may have to think about it for a while...

Patient Leech

MemberInitiateJun-30-2016 8:30 AM

I know...

John Carter. But not the awful Disney version that came out a few years ago. It was butchered. I wanted to like it, I really did, but it was terrible. Something a little darker and closer to the book with likeable characters.


MemberLegendJun-30-2016 9:37 AM

Alien as a PG13


A genderswapped The Thing


Both by the worst director possible and with the worst cast available.


Why? To make a point that some things should be left well alone.


Member2KJun-30-2016 10:14 AM

^Damn straight.

Good grief.

Something Real

MemberLegendJun-30-2016 1:15 PM

GAVIN SINGLETON -  Hahaha! Hear, hear! :)


MemberConversationalistJun-30-2016 4:30 PM

Logan's Run.  Make it closer to the book and cash in on some of that Hunger Games/ Maze Runner bank.


MemberNoobJun-30-2016 5:04 PM

a dark, madhouse version of Silent Running and a much updated Andromeda Strain 


MemberMartianJun-30-2016 6:50 PM

This is a tricky one...

I would like to see a more Darker Remake of the 1979 Disney The Black Hole (Maybe Ridley Scott director)

And maybe Forbidden Planet 

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberConversationalistJun-30-2016 7:23 PM

I watched The Black Hole again not long ago. Setting aside some of the sillier bits - I'd forgotten how dark it is already.  It wouldn't be hard to make a better version.  Maybe the gravity from the proximity to the black hole is what drives Reinhardt mad; kinda like Pinbacker in Sunshine (but not so blurry).


MemberNoobJun-30-2016 11:19 PM

Can I use BOTH of my votes on Forbidden Planet please?  1000 times Forbidden Planet!  But if I had to choose another, I would be The Beast from 20000 Fathoms.


MemberNoobJul-01-2016 7:52 PM

I see there are a few votes for the Forbidden planet. The movie has a few excellent concepts. But the effects are a bit on the old and dusty side. A revamp would ring in some more Sci-fi fans.

The movie Krull would look good if it was rebooted too.


"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberInitiateJul-01-2016 11:07 PM

Event Horizon. Nuff Said.

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