MemberLegendNov-07-2012 5:28 PM[center][b]ARTHUR C. CLARKE[/b]
[i]Arthur C. Clarke in 2005[/i][/center]
[b][u]Notable Works[/u][/b]
Profiles Of The Future
2001: A Space Odyssey
Rendezvouz With Rama
The Fountains Of Paradise
The works of [i]Sir Arthur C. (Charles) Clarke[/i] are well known to all sci fi fans, recognized not only as a sci fi author but also as an inventor and futurist.
Of all of Clarkes works, [b]2001: A Space Odyssey[/b] is probably his best known, having been notably adapted into a classic Hollywood movie by [i]Stanley Kubrick[/i] in 1968, a movie that inspired a new generation of sci fi creators, including [i]Sir Ridley Scott[/i].
[i]A still from Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of
2201: A Space Odyssey[/i][/center]
[i]Sir Arthur C. Clarke[/i] (16th December 1917 - 19th March 2008), together with [i]Robert A. Heinlein[/i] and [i]Isaac Asimov[/i] were known as "The Big Three" in science fiction, also contributed to the idea of using geostationary satellites for telecommunications.
Feel free to discuss anything and everything related to [i]Arthur C. Clarke[/i] and his works in this thread - your favorite story(s), adaptation(s), anything...