AdminEngineerOct-06-2014 2:04 PMAlien: Isolation comes out this week! Share your thoughts with the Aliens vs. Predator community here and let us know what you think!

MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2014 1:12 PMNot completed it yet nor am I going to give any spoilers but the game is epic! Loving it so far and it's great to be able to play as one of the original crew members of Alien in crew expendable.

Gojira 2014
MemberOvomorphOct-12-2014 4:51 AMxeno_alpha-07@ very true indeed. I have to say that I am very satisfied with the game and it is definently worth my $50. Its scary, its challenging, its fun, and it stays true to the alien franchise. Have you guys seen IGN's review on the game? I totally disagree with the score IGN gave alien isolation. They gave it a 5.9/10, but I give it a 10/10.

MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2014 1:26 PMI've not read IGN's review yet but I've heard people complain about it saying it's unfair. I'm loving this game a lot and I am very happy with it. Not been this entertained by an Alien game since the original AVP PC games.

MemberOvomorphNov-17-2014 11:14 AMI thought it was a great game an I would play it a million times if I had too.

MemberOvomorphNov-24-2014 6:52 AMi thought it was great! people realy needed to remeber how powerful the Alien is. Its strength has kind of been dilutted throughout other games and movies. The thing i liked the most is that it explains what happed to the becon from the first ALIEN and why nobody picked it up in ALIENS. IT's worth $60.