MemberMothra LarvaeJun-12-2014 12:30 PMThere is an article online right now that's full of BS and should not be taken seriously at all.
This article, and the people who wrote it, are obviously just trying to entice people to view their website. The information they present is painfully bad, especially saying that in asian territories there is an end credit sequence of Mothra leading an army of MUTOs.
Seriously? That's the best they could come up with?
And they're also trying to force Mechagodzilla into it and they coudln't even spell Ghidorah correctly at the bottom.
Pay no attention to this article and do noy buy into anything they have to say guys. They're full of crap and the article is total BS in every way possible. Don't let these people start a chain of rumors and speculation based on nothing more than their own wishful thinking and false creativity alright.

MemberGiganJun-12-2014 12:55 PMWhy is it bs? why do you want it to be bs? you didnt clarify why!
Good grief.

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-12-2014 1:26 PMLet me break this down for your simple mind as delicately as I can GORILLAGODZILLA77897.
"You didn't clarify why!"
Actually, yes I did. You just didn't pay attention.
"This article, and the people who wrote it, are obviously just trying to entice people to view their website. The information they present is painfully bad, especially saying that in asian territories there is an end credit sequence of Mothra leading an army of MUTOs. Seriously? That's the best they could come up with? And they're also trying to force Mechagodzilla into it and they coudln't even spell Ghidorah correctly at the bottom."
All of that was my explanation as to why it's BS. If you don't know how to read, let me spell this out in big bold letters for you.
Is that proof enough that they're full of BS for you yet? If it's not, then I don't know what to say to you. There is no end credit sequence no matter where you live, and yet they're trying to say they have it confirmed that there is such a sequence in the end of Mothra leading an army of MUTOs.
GORILLAGODZILLA77897, you really need to how learn to pay attention. If all you're going to do is read the title of my post and go straight to the comments without reading the article or my words as to why it's BS, then you shouldn't be commenting at all. Pay attention, read through the details thoroughly, and then you can comment. Right now you just look like a fool.

Dragonlord Tevin
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-12-2014 2:18 PMHey GORILLAGODZILLA77897 how do you know it's not right?? Yeah prove it

MemberGiganJun-12-2014 2:34 PMThats not the point of what i said. I was saying whats wrong with having MechaGodzilla? or Mothra? not saying that the article isnt BS but im saying that whats wrong with a little hype you know!
Good grief.

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-12-2014 2:36 PMWell the article says "It's rumored that Mothra is in the works" and they also say "this could be more valid, becuase all of the cast agree that Mothra should be in the sequel." However they do present it as fact. They also say that the end-credit scene was reported by another company. Even though Gareth Edwards has repeatedly stated his distaste for end credit scenes, and said Godzilla wouln't have one. So it may or may not be fake, but just take a careful look and know that it's all just hopeful rumors.

MemberBaragonJun-12-2014 2:47 PMguys, please respect one another, i know you are discussing this but please don't let this get out of hand. Thank you. :)
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