MemberMothra LarvaeMay-20-2014 7:03 PMHey guys!!! Sorry if this is a repeated post and/or was already know, but Gareth and Elizabeth were both interviewed by "Total Film" for their Godzilla "2" ideas. What GE said was........
He mentioned that in the sequel, humankind will already be used to the kaijus living in their world and wreaking havoc. Gareth wasn't lying that it will be similar to that of Destroy All Monsters, but with a twist! This means that there PROBABLY be a Monster Island and/or that there will be plenty of monsters in the film. Source

Something Real
MemberGodzillaMay-20-2014 7:06 PM

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-20-2014 7:17 PM@GODZILLARIM and @SOMETHINGREAL, you are welcome very much. It is my pleasure
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-20-2014 7:24 PMWait, what if, it's a reverse Destroy All Monsters. Where Humanity is now contained on one island for safety... or not, who knows :). On a side note, if this is a trilogy of movies, part two should be called Destroy All Monsters, and three, The King of the Monsters. Just an idea, thowing it out there for anyone to take.

Deadite Kaiju
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-20-2014 7:29 PMWow I can't wait! I hope they actually end up making this sequel. It sounds so cool and with the success of Godzilla 2014 I am sure they will make it :)
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-20-2014 11:35 PMWhat??....cooooooooollll!!!