do androids dream of electric sheep

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MemberNoobMar-17-2013 2:10 AM
Just finished reading 'do androids dream of electric sheep' by phillip k dick. Very good book, different to the movie blade runner. The concepts in the book are interesting and there is alot of them. Good to have an explaination to why the city is always in darkness. Has anyone read any of the other books(in the series)? i know phillip dick didnt write them, just want to know if they are any good. Can you recommend any other of phillip dick books?
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"
4 Replies


Admin2KMar-18-2013 8:49 PM
Read his book,[url=][b]"We can remember it for you wholesale"[/b][/url], it was the basis for the movie Total Recall. Like, 'Do androids dream of electric sheep', it's nothing like the movie it was adapted into, it's a great read.


MemberNoobMar-20-2013 9:53 PM
[center][/center]I alternatively recommend "Neuromancer" ...I believe BR, [url=]"The Incal" series (1981-89)[/url], also [url=]"Videodrome" (1983)[/url]; along with this book, partly make-up the foundation of what would become known as [url=]Cyberpunk[/url]. I find the book quite interesting, & especially in hindsight, as to what it was able to predict. Plus, several bonus photos I came across when assembling this recommendation, that are related to this genre. [center][img][/img] [url=]"Neuromancer"[/url] 1986 US Edition hardcover-sleeve.[/center] OH WELL, WHILE I’M HERE: [url=]BLADE RUNNER[/url]... [b]William Gibson[/b]: BLADE RUNNER came-out while I was still writing Neuromancer (1984). I was about a third of the way into the manuscript. When I saw (the first 20 minutes of) BLADE RUNNER, I figured my unfinished first novel was sunk, done for. Everyone would assume I’d copped my [url=]visual texture[/url], from this astonishingly fine-looking film. But that didn’t happen. Mainly I think because BLADE RUNNER seriously failed in theatrical release, & films didn’t pop right back-out on DVD in those days. The general audience didn’t seem to get it, relatively few people saw it, & it simply vanished, leaving nary a ripple. Where it went, though, was straight through the collective membrane to Memetown, where it silently went nova, irradiating everything from clothing-design to serious architecture. What other movie has left actual office-buildings in its stylistic wake? Some of this was already starting to happen in the gap between my submission of the manuscript, & the novel’s eventual publication; I noted with interest, for instance, the fact of a London club called Replicants. Years later, I had lunch with Ridley Scott at The Ivy, & we discussed mutual-influences. French comics, big-time! METAL HURLANT. Source: [url=]William Gibson's Blog (Jan-17-03)[/url] YT Doubler Source: [url=]"Enter the Void" (2009)[/url] + can be found on YT, in full. [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] Artist (both above): [url=]Chester Campo[/url] [/center] [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] Iron Maiden's "Somewhere in Time" album art, by [url=]Derek Riggs[/url] (1986) [/center] [center] [img][/img] [url=]Gibson: My Own Private Tokyo (Sept-09-01)[/url] [/center] [b]William Gibson[/b]: I wish I had a thousand-yen note for every journalist who, over the past decade, has asked me whether Japan is still as futurologically **** as it seemed to be in the '80s. ..."futurologically" **** ...more like [url=]"radiologically"[/url]. My how things have irreversibly-changed, just within a decade. S:)


MemberNoobMar-21-2013 5:26 AM
Thanks svanya and sawa. I just ordered 'we can remeber it for you wholesale,. looking forward to reading it. Thank you for the info sawa awesome stuff, going to take alook at those books later. great pics too.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberNoobJun-06-2013 1:03 PM
hi i am a huge philip k dick fan. i would strongly urget you to read any of these novels: Ubik, A Scanner Darkly, The Man In The High Castle... The only film that is totally faithful to the K DIck universe ( imho) is Richard Linklater's A Scanner Darkly. Somehow that gets the tone bang on. MOst adaptations do not have the nerve to adapt to the sourse material totally because it would make those films very dark indeed ( but caustic and blackly funny). blade runner is cool, but it only really works on the visual level. Total recall was good because it got the satire.. and i personally think minority report ( adapted frmo a short story) is a good film although, again, they lost their nerve at replicating the story's ending. PK Dick wrote a lot of short stories and novels, i have named just a few.
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