Godzilla Movie

Godzilla's Legacy and the continuation of the Legend

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MemberMothra LarvaeNov-30-2013 7:35 PM

I've always wondered if the Godzilla films will ever stop being made. But honestly I hope not, and I want to see them through the years as long as Legendary are making them. But eventually Godzilla film's will stop one day. I've been wondering is, Will Godzilla's legacy continue through time even though if films are not made.. I honestly hope so because Godzilla has tought me a lot of about what man has done to nature. Mainly the very first Godzilla film that I ever watched. Godzilla Returns or aka Godzilla 1985. I don't want this memorible monster ever to be forgotten and I hope this legendary monster's stories will continue and help inspire other monster creators to make future beast of disature in future films. Regardless of Godzilla's continuing saga or when it ends I will never forget this giant beast that has a special place in my heart.

No matter of what Toho does either to continue Godzilla or stop making the films one day, i know for sure the monster will never be lost in film history. Godzilla is the most iconic monster that has ever been created for films. I never want Godzilla to leave, I want this monster to be talked about as if it were a real creature by the time im an old man. Godzilla is a real legend believe it or not. A legend that will never be forgotten. We will always know this monster as the King of The Monsters.

Spine - Unleash the beast within
3 Replies

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaNov-30-2013 8:00 PM

I'm fairly certain there will always be more Godzilla movies. Even if the Legendary movie fails I'd bank on more being made in the future. It might be 20-30 years later, but at some point someone will come around and make another. It's a time defying franchise.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

True American Godzilla

MemberMothra LarvaeNov-30-2013 9:52 PM

With a story and concept like Godzilla/Gojira, I doubt it would "fade away". Just look at comic book super heros such as Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and Iron Man for example. Re-makes have been done of them for years, long after their first concept came into light.

I believe in Jesus Christ, who's my Lord and Savior.

John 3:16, Job 41:1-34, Leviticus 18:22


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-30-2013 10:02 PM

Godzilla always will have movies, and he will never disappear, just like Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies or T-Rex.

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