Gojira 2014
MemberMothra LarvaeSep-24-2013 5:25 AMWell we know that one of them has a long body, mantis arms, 4 spider like legs, and the top of its head is flat and hard and has 2 eyes but no mouth. That good enough for yah. And also these monsters are most likey going to be mutations or hybrids of various kinds of insects and animals. Or even parasites that got attatched to some of godzilla's DNA that fell off him during battling the military.
I have become death.......the casher at the donut shop.......

MemberBaragonSep-24-2013 3:42 PMI don't know some rumors have it that there is a centipede type monster and of course the weird bug thing that we have seen drawings of like gojira 2014 just mentioned but rumors also have it that a new pollution type monster called deathla is in this new movie but all will be revealed once the trailer and the movie is released
http://hugeben.deviantart.com/ check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

Gojira 2014
MemberMothra LarvaeSep-25-2013 4:26 AMRemember the monsters in this movie will be completely new so sorry no deathla, centipede maybe.
I have become death.......the casher at the donut shop.......

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-02-2013 7:37 AMNew Monsters are a really good thing but I also like some of the origional creations too - maybe Anguirus, Baragon, Manda, Gigan or Ghedorah updated and reimagined with some brand new Kaiju. Sort of mix some of the old with some new but I dont think we will see mass Kaiju in the 2014 kickoff - The mass Kaiju will come in the second installment or sequel themed after "Destroy All Monsters".
Lord I hope the 2014 one does well enough for the sequel to get made - with LOTS of Kaiju in it. The first one will be closely comparitive to the 1954 Gojira but updated - so "ANY" extra kaiju is like the bonus plan, and they said that there will be Monster(S) so that is just freaking awesome!