MemberMothra LarvaeSep-19-2013 10:10 AMGodzilla's role in the movie has been revealed. I'll let Gareth himself explain it to you. A direct quote from him:
"I always viewed him as a force of nature. He's not like King Kong where there's a personality. Godzilla is definitely a representation of the wrath of nature. But we're in the process of visual FX and I'm starting to see him and his personality is coming through. It's interesting. I'm happy and surprised. We saw early tests and my reaction was like Internet dating or something [laughs], suddenly you're meeting him for the first time and you go, he's real. It's probably going to develop more personality as we go on and my answer might be different when we're done, but he definitely has personality from the icon he is. We've taken it very seriously and the theme is man versus nature and Godzilla is certainly the nature side of it. You can't win that fight. Nature's always going to win and that's what the subtext of our movie is about. He's an anti-hero. I wouldn't describe him as a good guy, but he's not evil personified. He's the punishment we deserve, you know?"
Sounds like the perfect representation of Godzilla to me. Love it!

Incredible Fulk
MemberMothra LarvaeSep-19-2013 2:00 PMSpot on InstinctiveGigan!!!! I'd rather see a movie with Godzilla as an anti-hero like he was in most films like the 90's series, 2000 and Final Wars. The audience needs to connect with Godzilla. If he is a flat out villain like he was in GMK, it's not going to work at all. Godzilla works better as an anti-hero anyway. Still a danger to man, but in some cases the last hope they'll need. Like in Dark Knight, "he's not the hero we want, be he's the one we need."

MemberBaragonSep-19-2013 4:09 PM@INSTINCTIVEGIGAN
i agree with you man godzilla regardless of whatever film anyone talks about he is and always will be a force of nature and with that said i dont think he will be a hero or villian but rather take up for his own turf like he always does rule number one dont step on the kings turf every monster by now has learned that
http://hugeben.deviantart.com/ check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-19-2013 7:59 PMMan this movie keeps sounding better and better! I am so exited!! This is the perfect representation of Godzilla. He should always be portrayed as an anti hero, because those made the best movies.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-20-2013 10:50 AMThis is very cool. Ishiro Honda and Tomoyuki Tanaka would be very proud to see Godzilla come back to what they started the genre as.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-20-2013 1:46 PMi realy hope they stay true what he said cause godzilla is realy like that no one can control him or ever will all so u can never kill him so plz for the love of god i hope they dont kill him in the moive like the one in new york

MemberBaragonSep-20-2013 3:19 PM@ASHRUM2
dude i dont believe he will die in this movie some rumors have it that gareth wants to do a DESTROY ALL MONSTERS like sequel or something other so i dont think he will die
http://hugeben.deviantart.com/ check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-20-2013 4:12 PMi hope he's a villain

Gojira 2014
MemberMothra LarvaeSep-21-2013 12:01 AMGareth said that if he does do a sequel then it would absolutly have the same idea about a monster island but not destroy all monsters itself.
I have become death.......the casher at the donut shop.......

The T-115 Redeemer
MemberMothra LarvaeSep-21-2013 9:16 AMI like the idea of Godzilla as an anti-hero its better cause he is sort of a hero and its better than having him as a villain.