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MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2013 4:34 PMMost meaningful godzilla movie. any one that has some kind of moral and or deep allegory. I would suggest godzilla vs the smog monster or son of godzilla.
perhaps Godzilla's Revenge.
You choose.
15 Replies

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2013 10:41 PMGodzilla 1954 (the original) is the most meaningful Godzilla movie, and maybe one of the most meaningful monster movies of all time. Godzilla himself is an allegory of nuclear destruction, and he portrays it perfectly. The shear fear that comes from the people only makes it so much more powerfull. The idea came from people who experienced one of the worst catastrophes in history.
It has such a great moral about why nuclear weapons and this war was a horrible crime.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2013 10:44 PMGodzilla vs Megalon because it tells you to stop nuclear tests or else some race of underground people that you've never known existed will send a bomb-spitting beetle monster with drills for hands to destroy humans, but then some robot created by humans would join forces with a giant lizard to kill the beetle and a cyborg chicken. Eeyup, most meaningful Godzilla movie.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-18-2013 4:08 AM[i]Invasion of the Astro Monster[/i], or [i]Monster Zero[/i]
The moral of the story is to never trust aliens when they're asking you to borrow your daikaiju to fight a giant, three-headed dragon from outer space, because they will just try to rule the world. :)

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-18-2013 4:39 PMGojira was the best and most meaningful story which is the only reason I want too see this new one so bad because its serious and according too Gareth Edwards this is also going too have an emotional touch too it also just like the original

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-18-2013 9:51 PMthe original godzilla cuz it tells you to stop nuclear test or else some giant lizard will arise to destroy humans !

Godzilla 2016
MemberMothra LarvaeAug-18-2013 10:16 PMGojira will always come in the most meaningful Godzilla movie ever to me. Mostly because it's the very first movie that explains Godzilla's history and how he became Godzilla and also gives the name "Godzilla King of The Monsters".

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-18-2013 11:41 PMTo me the Original Godzilla will be the most meaningful due to the fact that it displays consequences for testing such powerful and devastating weaponry to me it was basicly saying that if we dont stop with such powerful weapons Mother Nature will find a way to stop the harm being done to planet earth

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-19-2013 2:13 AMThe original film, the one released in 1954, the one that gave us 28 films going on 29 (29 going on 30 counting the '98 remake), what ever you prefer to call it, Gojira or Godzilla King of the Monsters, that film will ALWAYS be not only the most but the PRIME meaningful film in the series. Sure, later Godzilla films do have some sort of meaning with-in the film, but it's the original is the one that will always have the most. Godzilla was never just a monster, he was a message to the world of the devastation that was the Atom Bombs dropped in Japan's Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The film was not only telling a story about a giant monster on a rampage, it was giving the experience that Japan's people have suffered to where even this day the tragedy event still haunts them. Even now the movie is a strong Anti-Nuke message, even though later movies doesn't really share that message anymore (only briefly) the message is still strong in the original 1954 film.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-19-2013 4:42 AMThe original of course especially the Japanese version weighs heavy on the topic of nuclear testing

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-19-2013 8:05 AMThe original for sure, not only did it start the entire franchise but it was by far the one with the most significant message.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-19-2013 6:28 PMthe original wuz the most meaningful ! it told us to stop using nuclear bombs or else mutants will arise to destroy humanity

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-19-2013 8:04 PMFor me it's got to be Godzilla Vs. Hedorah. I was 8 when it was released and I saw it with my dad and it sparked a lot of conversation about us and the environment. Then a few days later at school my teacher, who had seen it with her kids, used it as a way of opening up the class to a pollution lesson. I've shown it to both of my daughters when they were young too, and 13 years later my oldest still gets emotional about "the kitten in the black goo".

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-22-2013 12:22 PMfeels nice to know people care about my conversation....
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