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Godzilla 2001
MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2013 1:09 PMGmk Godzilla whooped the three monsters Mothra,King Ghidorah and Baragon. But What if this Godzilla fought Dstroyah? Comment To tell wich Kaiju will win?
7 Replies

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2013 10:44 PMDestoroyah. He was by far the most powerfull enemy Godzilla ever fought. Not even in his super powered meltdown form he had problems fighing him. I have a feeling alot will say the GMK Godzilla will simply because he was from the [size=200]"oh so perfect"[/size] GMK movie.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-18-2013 4:01 AMI'd say [i]GMK[/i] Godzilla. He was ruthless in the film and I think could take down Destoroyah, although it would be a very close fight.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-18-2013 6:15 PMI say GMK Godzilla because well... he's Godzilla. Not called The King of the Monsters for nothing

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-19-2013 4:28 PMGMK Godzilla is strong but he is only 60 Meters tall while Destoroyah is 120 Meters i think he would have a problem but can still beat him.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-25-2013 7:45 PMGMK gojira, considering how powerful he is.

MemberBaragonSep-26-2013 8:04 PMA human drilled out of GMK godzilla, so I'm fairly sure Destroyah's oxygen destroyer would have no problem melting through him
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