Dinosaur vs Predator

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MemberNoobJul-30-2013 4:52 PM
To follow the little discussion about Predator vs Terminator, who do you think would win in a fight. A T. rex family, or a predator bare handed. Mine is the T. rex. A famly could be up to five different Rexes. And almost 20+ feet long in the pack.


7 Replies

Kaiju Blue

MemberNoobJul-30-2013 7:55 PM
This is a joke right...but I will humor you. Explain Bare handed? Are we saying that the predator is attempting to fight a T Rex family bare handed? Well that would be completely out of character for a Predator.... to walk out in the open and fight a impossible battle. Instead if you are asking if a Predator alone on a prehistoric terrain stands a chance against Five T Rex's I kinda like the Predators odds. I don't know too much about the TREX but I remember Jurassic Park..... and Dr Grant using the knowledge that the TRex only sees movement says don't move it can't see you. In addition the Predator is the ultimate hunter he will most likely disguise his smell in Trex Fesces or Trex Piss. The predator would then hunt Non Predatory Carnivores, and design weapons from the dinosuar bones. Once armed with a deadly arsenal it could take the Trex's out one by one with ease, most likely by setting a trap where the predator is chased into a prehistoric briar patch...a Tar Pit. Once the Trex is struggling in the tar pit hes an easy kill and Sweet Trophy for any young Predator. Nice!!


MemberNoobJul-30-2013 10:35 PM
T. rex has one of the greatest visions of any dinosaur ever to live. And they had great social bonds too. If predator had nothing but his wits to fight a T. rex family, it would be five, 9 ton predators vs a Predator. T. rex, despite being social with family, is very territorial, and if Predator smells like one, all T. rex will attack. If Predator does manage to kill a T. rex, then mama is going to unleash hell. Nothing stands a chace against an angy mother T. rex.



MemberNoobJul-30-2013 10:45 PM
Well, I saw a predator fighting against a very angry alien queen...so who knows :p


MemberNoobJul-30-2013 11:17 PM
By bare handed he means without its phazers n stuff that annihilate you in one burst , With predator being an extreme hunter i think it might have a pretty good chance against rexes.... (but i think rex would win) I think someone should film that...

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberNoobJul-31-2013 1:53 AM
Now what about a pack of a bare handed Predator vs a pack of Deinonychus. That is about one vs seven. Predator and Deinonychus are very similar. Stealthy, great vision, and it doesn't take long to kill things. I've realized that at the time, all those million years ago, if the predators were even around, they wouldn't be much of a Charlene for a dinosaur. I would say the Deinonychus winning. They would come from all sides, even after Predator spotted the one in front of him.



MemberNoobAug-01-2013 5:39 PM
Single unarmed Predator vs single Utahraptor is one I'd like to see.


MemberNoobAug-01-2013 8:53 PM
Ya, go Utahraptor.


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