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MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 1:19 PMWhy nobody talks about Meredith Vickers?? In fact, she is the most promising character in the motion picture. Atleast , in my opinion. She has not been shown dead. Has she?
Lets discover the possibilities of her survival and the presence of the Deacon ( the proto- alien) left on LV 223, the only sole survivors, fighting it out or rather struggling to devour.
Can Prometheus 2 handle this? If yes, its gonna be stellar !!
6 Replies

MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 2:52 PM[url=]Here's a thread[/url] on the same thing.
and [url=]HERE[/url] is another one, if you want to read what people have talked about on this subject, there are tons of topics on it. Just put 'vickers' in the search engine at the top of the page, and you can get a huge list.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 1:03 AMShe's dead dude. No-one survives a ship landing on them like that. You see it crush her from her point of view. So she's a pancake.
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 2:15 AMYea man ~ Vickers is dead there's know doubt. Further more to sequel this movie is to follow its theme. Which clearly leads away from alien.. I am a huge alien fan but its been done.. I mean there is nothing left for them to do with Alien.. The spin offs at this point are ridiculous and they are clearly the reason why Ridley moved away from it all together. The great thing about this movie is it really hits home ~ if your even mildly interested in the questions of our origins and find your self as I do delving deep into human meets Ancient Alien based history. This is where the true story of human existence lies.. Not in the fictions (What were once truths) produced by men over time in the passing down and re-writing of "holly books" that we find our present day religions based on today ~ obviously in there present form ment to control the mass's.
Ridely asked big questions, and if you really want to get a feel for this movie and were there inspirations came from, start asking questions of your own. Start looking into alternate and new discoveries in and around our history as a race.. This movie is not far from what the Sumerians say in the oldest stone tablets known to man actually happened. And go on in fact to describe how in fact a race of giant aliens in deed imparted new genetic material into less intelligent hominoids eventually leading to the form we are now.. Its fascinating stuff..
I cant wait to see were he goes with this story and I hope to god he is done with Alien.. Sorry if that bursts your bubble.

Eggs or something
MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 4:14 AMI agree with Sixguns99. I would think that the Alien link may solely be that it happens in the same universe as Prometheous and could be a last attempt by the Company to retrive the bioweapon by redirecting the Nostromo as they become aware of a SJ crash-landing on the planetoid in Alien with Xeno cargo. There does not need to be a "direct" link to where Shaw and David go for the sequel...
Based on the film's success so far I would imagine 20th Century Fox will try and create an argument for more than one sequel for Prometheus which could go in a completely different direction to where Alien starts .... that's my take on it but could be totally wrong!
MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 4:08 PM There is no encounter between Vickers, and it seems you're dense, SHE IS DEAD, and the alien offspring?
It's going to live until it has reached the end of it's life cycle there.
it has nothing but itself as the only living life form. End of story.
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