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Will we meet God in Paradise?

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MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:18 PM
Hello my friends! The big question to all this! Will Shaw and David finally meet God/The Engineer's Creator in Paradise? How will he/she/it look like? Ridley has said that Paradise isn't what we expect it to be so will that also include God? I really hope Shaw and David do meet him and that Giger designs him!
38 Replies


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:44 PM
His appearence will most likely be inspired from a Giger painting!


MemberOvomorphJul-04-2012 4:33 AM
I would realy like the film makers to be daring and to show the 'Paradise' world to actually be a Giger-planet. The entire surface and even kilometers below the surface is an ENTIRE bio Mechanical world! Think of the Juggernaught and the Derilict interiors and exteriors both on steroids! Wow! And the title is ironic as this place would surley be hell, to us at least for a reason that could be made apparant in the story, dangerous to us but to a Bio Engineer 'Paradise'. Perhaps theiy had a technology all consuming event that swallowed up the former Bio Engineers true selves and the Paradise idea is really a parable to us humans about Earth and this other world and the moral tale to be told in actual fact is 'Paradise Lost' as the ancient earthly tale goes.

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:45 PM
Ah, "God" will be a common old Engineer perplexed by their arrival, not knowing what to do with them while scratching his bald head and whistling to "Alien" soundtrack. The funny side of it is that they will come to him at the precise moment the old rag farts and picks his own nose. Enters Lindelof saying "MAGIC" roll credits.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:48 PM
Hahaha LOL! But he wouldn't be scary!

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:52 PM
lol, That's Lindelof "Magic" for you. It's not movie scarry but it is so absurd it scares the movie-goer just for the sake of being Lindelof.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:56 PM
[size=200]FINGERS CROSSED![/size] [img][/img]
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MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:58 PM
Hahahaha I'd love to see something so sexual and scary it make David explode! But now that I think about the Jockeys where the fake evil god so I hope in Paradise we will meet the true beautiful God!

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:58 PM
OH YESSSSS Freeze. that would be great. Mix Alien with Necronomicon + Biomechanoids and we have a winer.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 5:59 PM
@Freeze I like the idea! But I'd like something less goaty and more Xeno!

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:03 PM
Synthrimonger94: We could always petition Sir Ridley to ask Giger to come up with a BiomechAlien Goat... and a Waffle. There has to be Waffles.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:05 PM
I would cry tears of joy if I saw Giger's Baphomet alive on screen. But, beggars can't be choosers!
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MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:05 PM
Hmmm I like you ideas! WAFFLES! I'm more of a French toast guy though! FRENCH TOAST AND BIOMECH GOD/GOATS!


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:08 PM
@Freeze Giger does deserve more credit he's a genius and I'd love to see ALL of his work in the Prometheus sequels! But I'd be happier If I'd see the EMPEROR Tarot on screen or his UNIVERSE tarot!

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:12 PM
FRENCH TOAST is the winer. BAPHOMET + French Toasts... sound like a poem.... "See me here standing, in flames burning My wings spread from coast to coast I am Baphomet, the Goat All Knowing Please come again and have this Franch Toast" see? Poetry
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:16 PM
That's beautiful poetry @David 1 that's just beautiful!

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:18 PM
oh boy... I just gave Lindelof a whole set of ideas for a new tv show... my bad
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:21 PM
@David 1 You give me hope.


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:23 PM
heheheheheh "FRENCH GOAT''

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:24 PM
allinamberclad: Do I? I sell Hope... but you're a first time costumer, you may have this one for free. lol
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:26 PM
@ David 1 I'll take 10 hopes please!

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:28 PM
Synthrimonger94: and here you go may good man. That will cost you... YOUR SOUL!!!!! sign here, here and here.... oh, with your blood please.... House Rules.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 6:30 PM
LOL FRENCH GOAT. Sounds like a Black Metal Band.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 7:10 PM
[url=]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 7:13 PM
ahhhh a Black Metal fan in da house. [img][/img]
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Forever War

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 7:16 PM
Shaw and David will never meet what Shaw believes to be a God. Might as well be that cat.

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 7:19 PM
FOREVERWAR: Darned... you figured the whole plot!!!!! ok guys. Show is over. FW ruined it for everybody, let's go home. What a spoiler!!!!
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Forever War

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 7:25 PM
[img][/img] I had to show up sometime, guys...out of bacon, yanno...

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 7:37 PM
That will do FW... that will do! p.s.: it looks the interior of my head when I have a bright idea
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Forever War

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 8:32 PM
Its the tourists...them...neeeeeeed guests...collapsing from the strain of an intellegence free environment


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 10:26 PM
My soul? I have no soul!
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