Alien Movie Universe

Personally, my best film of 2012 because. . .

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MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:06 AM
1. The visuals were simply breathtaking, and the 3D while not jumping at your face like other films shot in 3D, it definitly gave more depth to various scenes in the film. I.e the map room with David. 2. I love how the film links to Alien in a very subtle way, I'm fed up of hearing these Alien-lovers who constantly moan cause it didn't answer this and that in regard to Alien. After the scrip re-write, it was NEVER going to be a direct prequel. 3. I thought Michael Fassbender was absolutley brilliant, award worthy for sure! Also his portrayal of a robot/android is extremely creepy. Bravo to you! 4. I actually quite enjoyed finally seeing the Engineers/Space Jockey's on screen! The fact they resemble humans (well technically vice versa), is pretty cool. And 5. *SPOILER*. . . I loved the final closing scene involving the birth of the Xeno-type creature, a good way to very subtly link in to Alien. . .
8 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:35 AM
Nice review and glad you enjoy the movie, we all looking forward the sequel for this movie......:D


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:44 AM
Agreed. You know, and some scenes have something so strong in them, cant explain what it is, for example, when Shaw puts David head in the bag, that moment that way its shot and the whole atmosphere is unparallelled!! Or when the giant saucer becomes vertical in the opening scene, im like what the hell this is so freaky but cool!!!


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 10:06 AM
Much agreed, Xeno!! I think the ones who piss and moan about this film actually LIKED it more than they are admitting. Otherwise, why would they continue to come to this site and discuss the movie? I don't waste time on sites about things I think!!


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 10:21 AM
@Danial92 - Thank you! :) @SpaceJock - Agreed! The scene with the giant saucer ship was absolutley majestic wasn't it. . . @PrivateHudson - Exactly my thoughts. I can't see why anyone would wanna criticise this film, it's brilliant in every way possible!


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 10:26 AM
Seriously this movie is my Citizen Kane! I love how this movie made Alien even cooler to watch. Ridley was right, this movie was bigger than Alien and I love that he was smart to make this series go into its own direction rather than reinvent Alien. @ Space jock I love that you brought up those two scenes especially the Engineer at the beginning of the movie and the way the saucer flew off, leave it to Ridley to make a scene like that so rich buy just that one little trick! Two scenes I want to mention that really had a strong effect to me was the scene in which they revive the engineers head after removing the helmet and how the head had an expression of fear and confusion before its demise and how the crew reacted to that situation was real intense and you felt sad for the head. The other scene was when Holloway got torched by Vickers. I really felt so sad when seeing Vickers face after she killed him, she looked so remorseful that was the scene where you almost questioned if she can handle all the rules by the book.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 10:42 AM
There's a LOT of nuance in this film...and that's why Ridley Scott is the MASTER!!! I'm confident most/all the questions we have will be resolved in the sequels and this film is holding up well this week at the box office. We couldn't really expect it to be number one against Madagascar 3 because of the rating issue. But for a rated R film with mixed reviews, it's holding up very very well!! I hope that continues through the weekend. We need for this film to do well so that the sequels can be financially justified. I did my part -- I went to see it again in IMAX 3D on Tuesday. I encourage all fans to do the same -- and spread the word about this film.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 11:23 AM
Hey this is a little off subject, was this scene in the movie?


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 1:58 PM
At least it was number 1 on friday in the US! Also it's been the number 1 film here in the UK for 2 weeks aswell. I think a sequel will definitly happen now. . .
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