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Admin2KSep-22-2012 6:42 PM
Welcome! Welcome to! We encourage you to post your opinions, theories and thoughts regarding Blade Runner in these discussion forums. We also hope you enjoy your stay here as we strive to create a great site for fans of Ridley Scott and Blade Runner to enjoy. Post your introductions here, let the community know who you are! Please keep your posts clean and respectful as good behavior and grammar are always appreciated. Also, I encourage everyone to please read the [url=]Community Rules and Conduct Expectations [/url] Thank you, and have a great day! ~Svanya. [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center]
38 Replies


MemberNoobSep-23-2012 9:54 AM
Hello, I'm Park Phoebe and a staff trainee. I found BR interesting and might see the sequel ;) I'm PM free so ya can talk :P

This is my forum signature.



Co-AdminMemberNoobSep-23-2012 10:00 AM
Hi there, I'm Cypher, you can call me Cyph, Sir, Lord Cypher, God, Dog, or Boss, any of those is fine with me ;-) I'm ashamed to say I only recently watched Blade Runner all the way through, however it's fast becoming one that I truly enjoy. I've watched it 3 times in the last week actually, so I quite enjoy it, and I hope they can make a sequel that is as good as that. And yes, Deckard was a Replicant ;-)
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberNoobSep-24-2012 3:51 PM
Hello. I am Steelrudi. I have been a fan since I saw Bladerunner in the theatre in 82. I have watched it many many times in the past 25+ years. I pretty much have everthing you could get magazine, book, model, etc....and not being a hard core collector. I am basically a sci-fi nut. It is good to be here, and cannot wait for more info.
Cant smeg, wont smeg.


Admin2KSep-24-2012 4:13 PM
Welcome, steelrudi ! I hope you enjoy the forum!


MemberNoobSep-24-2012 5:13 PM
Im Daniel, from Scandinavia.. Ive seen all versions of BR like a milion times - I almost know every line from the movie ;-) Also read a couple of books about the movie, and the secuels by K.W. Jeter.. Also i guess im a bit of a sci-fi geek, and a can't wait till Mr. Scott makes Blade Runner 2.. And yes offcourse Deckard is a replicant..


Admin2KSep-24-2012 6:04 PM
Hi Danilochan, welcome!


Member2KSep-24-2012 6:14 PM
Hi & welcome to all new site members :-) Bladerunner is probably the most beautiful Sci-Fi movie ever made & one of the greatest. <3 I never tire of watching all versions of it, reading about it, or thinking about it's rich detail, layers & meaning. Hmm me thinks he was a replicant too & so was Tyrell......just sayin' ;-) ps Congrats on your promotion to staff Feebs & thanks to all the staff for your commitment to the Sci-Fi Network!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberNoobSep-24-2012 7:51 PM
I'm Sukkal (/su.KAHL/) from San Francisco, CA. I'll have to brush up on my [url=]Cityspeak[/url]... ;•)


MemberNoobSep-24-2012 8:30 PM
Hi I'm djrees56,but you can call me dj56 for short :) .I currently live in northern Alberta,Canada and doing my part to keep the Blade Runner flame alive up :)

Albert West

MemberNoobSep-24-2012 8:54 PM
Hi, my name is Albert and I first saw Blade Runner at the drive-in when I was 9 years old. I am now 39 and I have lost count of how many times I have seen Blade Runner. I have had the opportunity to study the many themes in the movie and I wrote a paper entitled "What it Means to Be Human" when I was at college. I am surprised that Ridley Scott is attempting to make a second Blade Runner and if anyone other than Scott was directing the project I would say "bad idea". However, I am a big fan of Ridley Scott and I have faith that he will once again produce magic on the big screen.....


MemberNoobSep-24-2012 9:04 PM
I need no introduction! But just in case... I am THE ONE AND ONLY!


MemberNoobSep-24-2012 9:06 PM
BTW...Nice digs. Now we have a reserved spot to argue about whether Deckard's a replicant or not. Even though there really is no argument to be had. He's a rep...Period. LOL!


Admin2KSep-24-2012 9:53 PM
Welcome to the site guys, i'm glad you like it here. :)

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberNoobSep-25-2012 5:37 PM
[img][/img] NCC HERE ,,,,,,,Checking in Can`t wait ........................... Shame on you Cypher


MemberNoobSep-27-2012 1:03 AM
I am one that grows old not. A reflection of man's desire to be God, with side of greed. I have seen things that will be forgotten, experienced the deaths of many a man, and have traveled far to see my father. I only wish to live, to feel, to love... but those are but dreams of another human, borrowed but never stolen. A gift from my father. I am here...


MemberNoobOct-01-2012 8:39 AM
Hello, all. Nice to find a forum about all things Running. See you around!


Admin2KOct-01-2012 12:57 PM
Hi 5c0tty, welcome to the forum!


MemberNoobOct-08-2012 7:30 PM
Hi Im Dragoneye and Blade Runner (aka Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) is my all time fav movie and I have been a fan of Phillip K Dick for as long as I can remember. I feel some films are not meant to have sequals and for me Blade Runner is one of them. Maybe I will be proved wrong. Looking forward to all the posts to come.


Admin2KOct-09-2012 10:03 PM
Welcome, Dragoneye!


MemberNoobOct-19-2012 6:26 PM
Hi, I am Winterall, i love sci-fi and fantasy. Blade Runner is my favorite sci-fi of all time, I have watched it more times than i can remember. It is one of three films i play over and over in the background when i am busy Drawing and Painting. Everytime i see this film i get something new out of it. It also helps with writers block, as i become so immersed that i forget what it was that had me stumped, and then o can begin again...Thanks Ridley, Thanks for making a great piece of art


MemberNoobOct-24-2012 7:04 AM
I did a google search for this back in April ("bladerunner sequel movie"), but did not find anything substantial. Very surprised to see that it is happening. Ridley knows where it is at.


MemberNoobNov-02-2012 10:41 PM
I'm a big Blade Runner fan. Can't wait to see the sequel, hopefully Syd Mead will be able to contribute production art.
My ebook - Visionz of an Artiste- is now available on Amazon kindle!


MemberNoobNov-03-2012 8:15 AM
Hi, I'm Josh, but you can just call me Agent or Moth. I loved Blade Runner and the book by Philip K. Dick. I hope the sequel manages to be as awe inspiring as the original.
�That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.� ~ H.P. Lovecraft


MemberNoobNov-09-2012 2:44 AM
Glad to join this forum. I've been a BR fan since I snuck into the R-rated theatrical version as a 13 year old back in '82.
The light that shines half as bright burns twice as long


Admin2KNov-10-2012 7:06 PM
Welcome! So happy to have you all here. :)


MemberNoobDec-19-2012 10:59 AM
Hi there, I'm HyperNova and I'm looking forward to discussing with you all things to do with the up-and-coming Blade Runner sequel. Can't wait!


MemberNoobJan-04-2013 9:34 PM
Hey everyone. I figured since I've gotten to the point where I'm listening to Blade Runner on my ipod in the car every day, I should probably find some sort of forum where this behavior might be considered normal.


Admin2KJan-06-2013 4:49 PM
Welcome to the forum HyperNova and clamcakes!


MemberNoobJan-27-2013 3:31 PM
I'm Igor from Poland, but I live in UK at the moment. First time I watched BR on VHS, and because I was too young, I couldn't understand it. Now BR is my favorite movie ever made and Ridley Scott is one of my favorite directors of all time. At the moment I'm enjoying reading Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner by Paul M Sammon. Great book! I'm addicted to books, good music (jazz, metal, alternative etc.), movies (obviously) and RPG games. And yes, Deckard was a Replicant:)


MemberNoobMar-10-2013 8:08 AM
Hi I saw this movie when my dad took me in 1982, I was blown away in the first few moments and then slipping out of the cinema in the 80's onto the rain soaked streets of Birmingham around the rag market and the chinese quarter and seeing at the time the skyscrapers had animating adverts on the side for coca cola and fuji-film felt like I was living in the film. plus we had street cleaning machines that looked like jf sebastians and some strange narrow alleys with gothic architecture and steam pipes and lots of subways with food bars and one in particular that had an opticians. I guess you could say that after that I was a total bladerunner addict.
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