Alien Movie Universe

Weyland date after the end credits. . .

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MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:28 AM
Sorry if it's been mentioned, but what's the deal with the "Weyland - Building better worlds since 10/11/12" I think it was. . . Thoughts??
14 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:33 AM
Finally another person that stayed till end of credits. It also showed the URL for the Weyland Industries timeline. We might get some info for Prometheus 2 in the timeline on that date.

Stay Frosty

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:35 AM
Its been mentioned before chaps. And seems to be Viral marketing again im guessing to see what the response is to the film and then carry on with it and eventually lead to a sequal.


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:36 AM
Yes, I saw that... Clearly a viral campaign for number 2... hopefully...


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:38 AM
well you can see on the site, that even before going to lv223, they already colonised and terraformed a big bunch of planets and moons. guess in 2012 they started with moon and/or mars


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:43 AM
dang it i stayed and there was nothing?

mr pest

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:50 AM
Shinobi Peter weyland would only be about 12 in 2012 gotta be a date for a new viral Quote taken from the weyland industries Sir Peter Weyland was born in Mumbai, India at the turn of the millennium. The progeny of two brilliant parents (his mother, an Oxford-educated Professor of Comparative Mythology and his father, a self-taught software engineer) it was clear from an early age that Sir Peter’s capabilities would only be eclipsed by his ambition to realize them. By the age of 14, he had already registered a dozen patents in a wide range of fields from biotech to robotics, but it would be his dynamic breakthroughs in generating synthetic atmosphere above the polar ice cap that gained him worldwide recognition and spawned an empire. In less than a decade, Weyland Corporation became a worldwide leader in emerging technologies and launched the first privatized industrial mission to leave the planet Earth. "There are other worlds than this one," Sir Peter boldly declared, "And if there is no air to breathe, we will simply have to make it."


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:59 AM
yeah id go with a viral rendez vous date too.. ya think the second movie is already on preprod?


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:00 AM
Weyland Incorporates Weyland Corporation is recognized as a legal entity and corporation under United States law and receives their Certificate of Incorporation from the Companies House in the United Kingdom. Due to the combined value of Sir Peter Weyland’s various patents and patent-pendings, the company incorporates with a higher fair market valuation than any other company in history. thats all it say on the corporate timeline for the date at the end of the creds, dnt see anythin of value but come that date sumthin mite happen. plus they discovered lv-426 waaay before the prometheus project


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:01 AM
Weyland Incorporates Weyland Corporation is recognized as a legal entity and corporation under United States law and receives their Certificate of Incorporation from the Companies House in the United Kingdom. Due to the combined value of Sir Peter Weyland’s various patents and patent-pendings, the company incorporates with a higher fair market valuation than any other company in history. if you click on the flag icon it takes you here


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:05 AM
i see i was wrong. that date is something else but they did already colonise a big bunch of planets nevertheless before they went off to lv223


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 9:40 AM
Isn't that just the October release date of DVD/BluRay?


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 9:51 AM
Oh, hah, that's probably right!


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 2:58 PM
Follow the wikipedia link and you will find the description of the book. I found this part from the Prologue, seems to explain where the idea for the movie came from. Another singular feature of Zarathustra, first presented in the prologue, is the designation of human beings as a transition between apes and the "Übermensch" (in English, either the "overman" or "superman"; or, superhuman or overhuman. English translators Thomas Common and R. J. Hollingdale use superman, while Kaufmann uses overman, and Parkes uses overhuman. Martin has opted to leave the nearly universally understood term as Übermensch in his new translation). The Übermensch is one of the many interconnecting, interdependent themes of the story, and is represented through several different metaphors. Examples include: the lightning that is portended by the silence and raindrops of a travelling storm cloud; or the sun's rise and culmination at its midday zenith; or a man traversing a rope stationed above an abyss, moving away from his uncultivated animality and towards the Übermensch. The symbol of the Übermensch also alludes to Nietzsche's notions of "self-mastery", "self-cultivation", "self-direction", and "self-overcoming". Expounding these concepts, Zarathustra declares: "I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him? "All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape. "Whoever is the wisest among you is also a mere conflict and cross between plant and ghost. But do I bid you become ghosts or plants? "Behold, I teach you the overman! The overman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the overman shall be the meaning of the earth! I beseech you, my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! Poison-mixers are they, whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying and poisoned themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so let them go!" — Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Prologue, §3, trans. Walter Kaufmann


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 3:12 PM
Here's a detailed explanation of that passage: Nietzsche injects myriad ideas into the book, but there are a few recurring themes. The overman (Übermensch), a self-mastered individual who has achieved his full power, is an almost omnipresent idea in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Man as a race is merely a bridge between animals and the overman. Nietzsche also makes a point that the overman is not an end result for a person, but more the journey toward self-mastery. The eternal recurrence, found elsewhere in Nietzsche's writing, is also mentioned. The eternal recurrence is the idea that all events that have happened will happen again, infinitely many times. Such a reality can serve as the litmus test for an overman. Faced with the knowledge that he would repeat every action that he has taken, an overman would be elated as he has no regrets and loves life. The will to power is the fundamental component of human nature. Everything we do is an expression of the will to power. The will to power is a psychological analysis of all human action and is accentuated by self-overcoming and self-enhancement. Contrasted with living for procreation, pleasure, or happiness, the will to power is the summary of all man's struggle against his surrounding environment as well as his reason for living in it. The book in several passages expresses loathing for sentiments of human pity, compassion, indulgence and mercy towards a victim, which are regarded as the greatest sin and most insidious danger.[6][7] Part of Nietzsche's reactionary thought is also that the creature he most sincerely loathes is the spirit of revolution, and its hatred for the anarchist and rebel.[8] Many criticisms of Christianity can be found in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, in particular Christian values of good and evil and its belief in an afterlife. Nietzsche sees the complacency of Christian values as fetters to the achievement of overman as well as on the human spirit.
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