Alien Movie Universe

Vickers' "agenda". . .

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MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 5:53 AM
Firstly, sorry if this has been mentioned previously! But I thought an updated thread after the new trailer, was needed. Anyways. . . Vickers obviously seems a shifty character, a tad creepy aswell! What do we think is her aim in this film?? As she clearly knows more than she's leading on. . .
14 Replies


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 5:58 AM
Oh, you WILL be sorry......... ;-P Pretty sure it has been touched on, several times, more than 10 I'm going to bet. But yes, she does seem slightly creepy from what we've seen of her so far, but I bet there's more than meets the eye with her. And please, no Transformers jokes.................. :-P
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:01 AM
Yeah I only posted it now to see if people had anymore thoughts after the new trailer aired. . . Saves people searching god knows how many posts previously! I personally think that Vickers and her superiors are simply trying to exploit the technology of the SJ's.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:04 AM
For awhile I was thinking that both her and Weyland know about the Jockey race already. Vickers, believe there no chance in hell any of them would still be on his rock says "IF you find anything don't engage or make contact, come get me"...possibly because she knows how ruthless they are and she's warning them not to steal anything because she knows the wrath they could bring. She's actually looking out for us but you don't realize it til towards the end because she seems so cold. It would also explain her standing by cargo opening with flamethrower refusing to let the infected in, and why she tells them they'll die if they go back down there.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:30 AM
Unless there was more information that someone already has, and Shaw and Holloway are the only other ones to figure out the starmap, hence they become the lambs to the slaughter.......... That could work. Man, I need a time machine to go 40 days into the future :-(
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Ripley Clone 8

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:05 AM
Vickers is most definitely the most interesting out of the crew so far :D


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:18 AM
Vicker's "by-the-book" nature kind of reminds me of 3rd in command, Ripley. As I echoed what I've read on this site earlier, the Nostromo crew (save Ripley and arguably, Ash) were a bunch of dysfunctional misfits (some had drug problems, some had psych issues, etc.). It would have been nice to have seen a flaw in Ripley just to show that she is "human", but they scrapped the Ripley-Dallas love affair thing last minute (besides, he was quite a bit her senior).


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 12:01 PM
Maybe it's as simple as her protecting proprietary corporate interests? Weyland Corp financed the trip, they want a return on their investment. They don't want Yutani or anyone else knowing about it until they are ready. Also, from the timeline, it seems like Weylands usual MO in approaching a planet for colonization is to send a team to assess it's stability for terraforming and I assume a security team is sent with them. Additionally, I wonder if part of Weyland's tactics in claiming new planets is to wipe out any indigenous populations they may encounter, like the US government did here as we expanded westward? The less outside people know about native species on far flung worlds, the easier it would be to discretely exterminate them, from a political point of view.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 2:04 PM
it also could be that 2 people get infected in the temple then bring the infected Miburn back to the ship..they think the other one is dead..later they see the lifesigns of the other one still blinkin..and they decide to go back to get him..


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 2:33 PM
My secret hope is that Vickers will turn out to be a (more or less) good guy whose mission is to stop Weyland from stealing alien bioweapons of mass destruction. I suspect she may even be the second android Scott keeps hinting at, but in the mold of the replicants from Blade Runner (and perhaps like them, unaware that she's a replicant) than any of the Weyland series androids; that is, an organic being with enhanced traits, like strength and (let's face it!) beauty. That explanation would go part way in explaining the rumours that there are strains from the Blade Runner universe in Prometheus, even though the two films are otherwise unconnected.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 2:35 PM
Of all the characters, Vickers reminds me most of Ripley... I like Noomi Rapace's Shaw but ultimately she seems a little too weak-willed to survive to the end. I suspect that the way they've built up Shaw as the nominal heroine is a red herring.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:11 PM
She seems like the only person on this trip with any sense of professionalism or basic competency. I really feel bad for her because she is clearly surrounded by idiots who seem compelled to do stupid shit that will result in them dying horribly.


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 10:58 AM
If we are having a replicant who thinks they are human, I hope its Elizabeth Shaw.


MemberOvomorphMay-02-2012 12:52 PM
I like the way you think, Zedwardson. I'll go with that hope.


MemberOvomorphMay-02-2012 1:00 PM
Vickers has no idea what they are getting into. "They find an establishment they weren't expecting." Her manner of speech leads me to believe she's skeptical about any kind of intelligent life being on the planet. (I mean LV223, not Earth)
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