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MemberOvomorph02/18/2012For those wondering if the Derelict & the Egg Chamber in 1979 ALIEN are two separate entities you might like to read this 1979 interview excerpt from FANTASTIC FILM magazine:
"...a) O'Bannon:"In the movie, the Earthmen discover a wrecked, derelict spacecraft, actually no, that's not correct. In the movie, the men discover a wrecked construction of non human manufacture and inside of it they find eggs of the monster. In the original script, the men find the crashed derelict spacecraft and they enter it, they discover that the alien are all dead. They return to their own ship to contemplate what may have killed the alien crew and then they discover a pyramid on the planet which appears to be indigenous and it's primitive.They enter the pyramid and there they find the eggs." (FF10)
2. Since the derelict and the silo both followed the biomechanic design of Giger, and budget cuts were necessary
a) O'Bannon:"They combined these two elements, they squeezed them into one sort of uneasy entity"
Fantastic Film:"The idea behind that, I would assume, being that the dangerous aliens were coming back to spawn"
O'Bannon:"No, they were two different races. In my script, it was a space going race that landed on this planet and had been wiped out by whatever was there, And now the Earthmen come and endanger themselves in the same way. In the new version, it's just a sort of a surrealist mystery." (FF10 p29-30)..."
Because of budget constraint they just combine the temple & the ship together.
There you go.
3 Replies

L u )\/( a R u S
MemberOvomorph02/19/2012DOUBLE U, TEE, EFF!!!! ... W.T.F!? .... seriously thats way too much typing... again... WTF!?
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