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Very Interesting Rumors (HUGE SPOILERS!!!)

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This is allegedly a piece of insider info. Take it with huge grain of salt, and most importantly, if you don't like spoilers, proceed at your own risk. It does not reveal the Ending. [i]"...Prometheus is far more brooding and intense than the average movie today. It is not an action film, although it certainly does have more action than a movie like Alien. Prometheus is not a movie about answering questions raised in Alien at all. Its an extension of them. The company are involved, yet are not yet as sinister as they will become. However they are immoral in a lot of ways. Walt Disney was an inspiration for the character of David in particular one of there movies. Time travel and the manipulation of reality are a part of Prometheus. No there are no wormholes. This does tie in with Alien as it does with all of the "Alien" franchise, perhaps that is a better way to put it. However the single biggest tie to the original Alien is as has been stated its DNA and the "alleged" gods who had use of it. This may be disappointing to you upon reading however have faith, Prometheus is certainly going to be PG13. Oh and by the way, this movie need to be watched in IMAX. Do not go and see Prometheus in your standard theatre, even though you will be able to, it will not be the same experience. Ridley Scott has raised the game considerably. I hear Jim Cameron was very impressed when he was shown a rough assembly. This is really long already but I would also like to point out the H.R.G. is involved in the production, has designed key sets (the face of god) and a few more (big) surprises. In some sense, Prometheus is a little like what it would have been like for the crew of the Nostromo to have boarded the derelict and stayed there. In a way. Hard to describe but you will eventually see for yourselves. [b]One last thing. The universe of Prometheus and of the entire saga is of the same universe of that of Blade Runner. [/b] The "Alien" as you remember it, does not feature in Prometheus. Similar incarnations do. They are much bigger too, and 80% practical. God it turns out really doesn't care about us God may indeed have made man in his own image As you should now know, the Derelict, (or the soon to be derelict) stands vertical, it also spins, fast. The gods/engineers/SpaceJokeys/humans ? are anamatronic and huge. Their babies are bigger. Nobody knows the ending. Except those directly involved in its shoot, and execution." [/i] The adult in me goes: "OK, interesting, but mostly, yeah, right.." The kid in me however is jumping up and down! I want to believe this rumor so much!
58 Replies


[i]"As you should now know, the Derelict, (or the soon to be derelict) stands vertical, it also spins, fast."[/i] I had a feeling the first time I saw that in the trailer - the derelict standing forks-up - that this was going to turn out to be some kind of stargate/time travel device or something like that. Man I cannot wait to see this film!


I am curious, where is this sourced from?


The gods/engineers/SpaceJokeys/humans ? are anamatronic and huge. Their babies are bigger. "Their babies are bigger???


@GRRR Plot speculations, rumors, take it with grain of salt, remember?


@Snorklebottom I trawled other ALIEN forums around the Internet. There are hundreds.... These are collections of speculations, rumors, insider info etc EDIT: Update, the source is collected from AVP GALAXY Forum. You can go through the hundreds of threads there. Again, this is strictly to provoke discussions. I don't mean to shatter anybody's dreams of what PROMETHEUS should be.


lol, I know, but would be interesting


Without their sources I'm gonna take all of this with a lorry load of salt.


It does sound like the guy knew what he was talking about though. And judging from what we have seen & heard so far, this doesn't sound too fake or outlandish. Anyway I don't care. I am a big fan of Ridley Scott, Alien series, LOST TV series (first 3 seasons), Twilight Zone, 2001, Big Summer Movie in IMAX/3D. I will be there on the first day when PROMETHEUS opens. I also love Ridley's brand of cinema even when the movies are a bit weak (KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, 1492, BODY OF LIES)


Sounds interesting, but Alien, Blade Runner and Prometheus are part of the same universe? Also sounds pretty good as of: "the gods/engineers/spacejokeys/humans?" "are huge and anamatronic"... Very well, but for my Prometheus will continue to be a prequel of Alien independent that does not aparesca the classic xenomorph. Although there is the potential to be transformed in a spin-off or its own canon, but only will know the day of its release... Best regards

Ripley Clone 8

I agree with Snorkelbottom. Rumors are rumors, just like opinions are just opinions. We won't really know what will happen until the film has been theatrically released. I don't know why people insist on spreading crudy rumors around? [i]"One last thing. The universe of Prometheus and of the entire saga is of the same universe of that of Blade Runner."[/i] Yeah this quote above really does sound like a crack of sh*t.


100 (and)... 28 Days Later...


Take it with grain of salt lol


a PG13 rating would suck majorly Alien scared the **** out of people. It scared us with the cold loneliness of space. It scared us with its barrage of disturbing sexual imagery. It scared us with an almost invisible enemy that was not only hostile by nature, but that used humans in its reproductive cycle (oral rape no less) and displayed more than a little bit of sadism (even sexual sadism). PG13 screams 'safe and unchallenging'


Why headline this post with the words "HUGE SPOILERS", if it´s only rumors from AVP-galaxy? I am sorry, but subjective speculations mixed with alleged insider info is not big news. Speculating has already been done to death in this forum.


Wow, can you believe we're only 7 years away from the time Bladerunner is set? ...But I digress. [i]"The universe of Prometheus and of the entire saga is of the same universe of that of Blade Runner."[/i] For me, this kinda gives credence to the whole piece because IMO, Ridley has a all-encompassing world view for his science fiction - like a 'house style'. So we saw the rugged technology in both Bladerunner and Alien; he doesn't go for phasers, plasma rifles and all that jazz, instead it's good ol' fashioned weaponry to keep it believable - in fact, in the Prometheus trailer, we see regular gunfire. My point is that I suspect Ridley would intend to keep his sci fi in the same universe so to speak. Sort of like Terry Pratchett and his Discworld, but this is Ridley Scott and his dystopic, dark future of humanity.


I would love to see a kind of "this is how I imagine the plot" section in this forum where members could post their plots. Would be cool to read how people imagine Prometheus - collectively. I know you could piece together plots from members by reading their scattered posts, but this would be easier.


"do androids dream of electric a l i e n s" ? The reference to being set in the same universe as alien could just mean that he's tried to theme the tech that way a little (like occasional graphic in alien/bladerunner).. the diagonal slanty wheeled vehicles, I doubt it's going to be revealed that the synthetic crew member is a product of tyrell corporation :) interesting speculation, time will tell


UPDATE: Sorry guys, this is not a collection of speculations. This came from[b] a single source[/b], either from one of these scifi conventions (Comic Con?) or some Hollywood insider (pissed off their treatment didn't get approval from Fox?) And as far as BLADE RUNNER reference is concerned, Damon Lindelof himself mentioned in his interview (Comic Con) that the movie will be " ALIEN/BLADE RUNNER mash-up.." His words.

Ripley Clone 8

I see your point Starbeast. But for me I don't really understand why. Alien and Bladerunner are two different universes. Bladerunner was a universe that showed a future urban environment with different characters and a whole different set up. Alien is universe that talks about truckers in deep space. Earth would of been vastly different in Alien. Plus The Alien series is a different take on a totally different universe. Alien was so new in its concept of horror and it portrayed an environment that was so different than any other film up to that period in time. Putting both Alien and Bladerunner in the same universe is like putting Star Wars and Star Trek in the same universe. I just can't see it. Alien truly fulfilled a genre and thus put a cap on it.


The part I picked up on is. . . If this movie is PG13 (12a rating in the UK), I will not be happy and will take my time to see it. I am waiting to see a dark/epic and mysterious film about the origins of creation, not some damned movie that's been MADE to look all nice just to suit ratings people!


[quote]This does tie in with Alien as it does with all of the "Alien" franchise, perhaps that is a better way to put it. However the single biggest tie to the original Alien is as has been stated its DNA and the "alleged" gods who had use of it.[/quote] This paragraph stinks. Sounds like it's trying to bend an official non-literal quote into something literal. I call BS though the rest is quite convincing.

Engineer Prototype - Model GAJ84

This is nothing new. These rumors have been floating about for months.

F--- it - lets go for it!

a couple of nice ideas, but i aint panicking. this is pure speculation. granted the theme of machine becoming human looks as though it will be given attention. dont see it being a 13 rated either. while its nice to be excited by the possibilities, there is still a long time to endure wild theories!!


PJ-13????????? I sincerely hope not. I somehow actually think it will be though, Fox exec's want their quids worth for sure.


"The universe of Prometheus and of the entire saga is of the same universe of that of Blade Runner." I think the plot is very credible _ after all, it´s pure cold reading _ but the phrase above discredited it a little. First: "Blade Runner" is an adaptation of Phillip K. Dick; "Alien" is the child of Dan O´Bannon. Second: ok; Scott has the artistic freedom to unite these two different inspirations in one single universe. And Starbeast is correct: both movies are set in an "old future", one where things are not ever white and shiny - or as Scott said of "Alien", "truckdrivers in space". But third: remember that in Blade Runner people were going "offworld", the Earth had been transformed in a vast downtown where only the less-well were "left behind". Bioengineering were common and widespread. "Replicants" were created as a new proletariat, to do the dirty jobs, including warfare. In this context, what is the probability that real humans were left in space to do the miserable job of Nostromo´s crew? And, above all: Ripley had A CAT! Animals were very expensive in "Blade Runner" world. And fourth: I can´t imagine Scott being so camp that he would left some evidence of a "Blade Runner" world in "Prometheus".


can be ...can be not ...its the same kind of speculation that everyone of us can do ...the source ?


@centrosphere, totally agree with you, it is believable that 'Alien' and 'Bladerunner' exhist in the same Universe. None of the Alien films ever reach Earth so it would be interesting if, how and when they ever do a link (and is it really necessary?). Hopefully just a 'hint' of a relationship between the two such as in 'Predator 2' or 'AVP Requim'.


Since there are supposed to be 2 prequels, maybe the Bladerunner sequel is also worked into this, and that is actually the 2nd prequel


we are not yet sure ,,,the 2 prequels thing probably is born from an error of interpretation of Scott words ...even if Rapace heavily hinted at that .


At the Prometheus event at Comic-Con 2011, Ridley Scott said "I want to scare the sh*t out of you". Ridley, how are your going to do that with only a PG-13 rating?
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