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AdminEngineer09/18/2011This is the thread to post your prometheus artwork for our competition! Please use a third party image host such as "Photobucket" to host your images and paste the source code here with a link to the full size image. If we see one that is absolutely incredible, it will be featured as our banner image for a week straight! So post up your artwork for a chance to be creditted for our banner competition!
[i]A tip:[/i] try to make your image at least 1900 pixels wide on screen, as our banner image needs to be quite large.
Best of luck!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
43 Replies

AdminEngineer11/6/2011You didn't have to remove your artwork Biomechanic, why did you decide to do so?
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

AdminEngineer09/20/2011Submissions will be closed on October 10th, 2011 at 2:30 pm EST. Get your artwork posted before then for a chance to win!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

AdminEngineer09/27/2011No, the artwork shouldn't have the Prometheus text printed on it. We will have the Prometheus logo set overtop the artwork. So create an image without the Prometheus text. Thanks!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

AdminEngineer10/8/2011Those look great [b]Biomechanic[/b]! Thanks for posting those up!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorph10/12/2011Fierce pic, bio!
I wanna do one too and upload it tonight, even though its past deadline...

AdminEngineer10/12/2011Don't worry about the deadline, we want to see your Prometheus artwork!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorph10/12/2011this contest to me is so overwhelmingly creatively stimulating that I cannot settle or be happy with any of my work.
but I'm getting closer.

MemberOvomorph10/12/2011Here are the ones I like the least
still working on tons more.

this one...I Like!
I can edit it however need be.

looking forward to seeing some of the other stuff from all ya'll.


MemberOvomorph10/14/2011For now I made this. I was inspired by one of the leaked stills at comic-con, where you could see a hand above something glowing. I recreated something similar. It definitely looked like an non-human technology that is active in some way.
[url=]Full size[/url]

i say that's fantastic, it's so incredibly original man,
awesome job I love it.

MemberOvomorph10/14/2011oh almost forgot,
My most sincere apologies to admin for not adhering to the rule of NOT USING THE PROMETHEUS TAG ON THE BANNERS.
they can in fact easily be taken out if need be, but whats important is that I make you aware that I am aware of what I did, and it was wrong, so MY APOLOGIES.
S O R R Y !

MemberOvomorph10/15/2011Not exactly to the standard of the others, but here's mine. I used the ancient story of Prometheus as a basis for depicting human interaction with the 'gods'...

MemberOvomorph10/15/2011Hey Moorkey,
I have to say A W E S O M E! I can see that being used by Dark Horse Comics for the comic adaptation.

MemberOvomorph10/15/2011Here's another one...
The original file for this puppy is 1500 x 500

MemberOvomorph10/16/2011My Latest...seems it looks much better when viewed in it's original 1500 x 500 format as well...Just FYI...wish I could display it here like that.
"c'est la vie"
Hope ya like it anyways....

MemberOvomorph10/16/2011@ Spartacus
I hate your `excuse du bout des lèvres´, above-
I´d throw her to the beasts or nourish her with cheese
till she bursts at the seams;
your cheesy moon is absolutely lovely stuff, though.
signed by Carter J. Burke[img][/img]

Posts: 15
Vanilla-Hollywood ›
Posted 10/16/2011
@ Spartacus
I hate your `excuse du bout des lèvres´, above-
I´d throw her to the beasts or nourish her with cheese
till she bursts at the seams; your cheesy moon is absolutely lovely stuff, though.
Thanks very much for the most constructive critsism "VH"
It is much appreciated. and entertaining at the same

I love your new "quick little painting"...and the image you used in the Background is most "Gigeresque", think you may have even constructively bent/re-shaped one of his.
Excellent stuff man!!!
I LOVE that one.
Like I was saying it looks as if it was made by Giger himself, or someone he taught to paint. my imagination getting fired up by it all here but, the figure in the front looks like she/he's is dressed as a member of the Ugandan Bob Sled or some other Water board Team and is skiing as fast as she/he can away from certain death!!!
For me that right there is just undeniabley fantastic work man.
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