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Computer displays...

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Dwarf Hippo

Is anyone else as disappointed as I was to see contemporary computer graphics used in the presentation at Comic-Con? I am referring to the photo of the computer display that has a human body outline and part of the word "Abdominal" showing. I always thought that part of the charm of the original Alien was the text-based interface to MUTHR (aka Mother). I would have really enjoyed for continuity and aesthetic reasons to retain the character terminals and the sound effects. This is supposed to take place at least 30 years earlier. We get plenty of gee-whiz technology in Star Trek, et al, so why not keep this retro? I know there are a thousand excuses why better technology was available earlier, but simply to recapture the look and feel of the original Alien universe, old-tech trumps hi-tech, at least to me.
15 Replies


I know what you're saying, Jonesy. The Nostromo just "happened" to be out in the right spot at the right time. They swapped out the science officer w/ Ash and allowed it to "resume course" and pass through the sector their little treasure was sitting in. The Prometheus is presumably a science vessel so it would be top of the line. Even in Alien 3, once they become aware of the Queen gestating inside Ripley, they expedite the science team's trip, where in Aliens they said it would take 17 days for a rescue team to arrive once they were declared overdue.


I know what you mean, and I thought the same thing, but here's my excuse: The Nostromo at the time of Alien (2122) is said to be about 20 years old making year of manufacture about 2102. Prometheus takes place 30 years before Alien in about 2092 so lets guess that the Prometheus ship has been recently constructed and is no more than 5 years old making date of manufacture about 2087. So lets say Prometheus (the spacecraft) is about 15 years older than The Nostromo. As the Prometheus mission is one of scientific exploration, I would expect the spacecraft to be of an extremely high specification and use the very latest technology of the time. The Nostromo was basically a truck in space so only needed the minimum tech to get by. Compare a vehicle built today for scientific exploration to the North Pole. Lets say its some kind of hi-tech all terrain snow mobile to carry and exploration team. Inside are all the very latest computers and scientific equipment. Now compare this to a road haulage truck built in 15 years time, I don't think it would alter vastly and change much from a truck built today. It may have a sat-nav but technology-wise would look quite low-tech compared to the North Pole vehicle in the way Nostromo would look to Prometheus. Do you see what I'm getting at?
Prepare To Meet Your Makers


I was under the assumption that Ash joined them on Earth, Ripley asks Dallas how well did he know ash and Dallas replied he only knew so much. So, Ash was planted on Earth before they departed or from the planet they came from with the load. being that the ship was there pinging it's emergency beacon, did the company stumble upon it or will Prometheus answer that question. you have to wonder what role will those Androids play in Prometheus. Are they the villains other than Vickers (Theron). Nommi will be a droid will be interesting to see.

Dwarf Hippo

Cain1977 - From the original movie Alien, Dallas talking to Ripley in corridor: "I shipped out three times before with the same science officer. Two days before we left Daedalus they replaced him with Ash."


I thought this discussion was about computer displays?
Prepare To Meet Your Makers


It was, but we're trying to pinpoint why the Nostromo might look older. It was a more beat-up spacefaring vehicle. A science vessel would probably be equipped with much better, maybe even cutting edge, technology.


We live as we dream - alone. Joseph Conrad


There was a similar issue with the Star Wars prequels in that computer displays and holograms were much more advanced in The Phantom Menace than they were in A New Hope some 30 years later.
Prepare To Meet Your Makers

Ghost Solitare

Consider that movie going audiences have changed. While the technology behind the movies has become more sophisticated, the same cannot be said for the majority of the audience. Movies are targetted, edited, and shown to test audiences now. An investment the size of the budget for Prometheus means that the studio expects to get a return on this investment exceeding their expenditures. As for the displays, Alien was essentially a haunted house film. It didn't rely on the Alien to generate the tension. The actors, sets, and soundtrack for the film did it so much better for the majority of the movie. The Nostromo's displays added to the sense of isolation. They were cold, factual, no frills sort of bare bones durability interfaces. They offered no solution to what was occurring aboard the ship despite Ripley's, attempt to get clarrification and assistance. The new film will take advantage of the very latest in set design, the general audience would accept nothing less. Ever sit behind someone that had to explain the plot to their companion? It's the worst, so the displays will have to be almost like self explanitory subtitles for the uninitiated. Case in point I couldn't agree with you more about maintaining continuity, however in this case I can overlook it because I've had these questions in my head for too many years and hope that Prometheus supplies me with answers as well as gives it's audience the breathless silence of space that fear induces.


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorph08/17/2011
"ya- rrright!?"

Ghost Solitare

A way to incorporate what you are thinking of Ruhaniya would be if the vastly superior technology were part of the Alien installation. Exterior virtual imaging, as well as dazzling internal diagnostics.


Hey Ghost to build on what you are saying. The Nostomo is simply a utilitarian vehicle nothing mroe nothing less. No Bells, No Whistles. Just get there get the payload and come back so all the ammenities go out the window. Example NASA used 486 Computers in the Shuttle for more than 10 years after they were obsolete because again the shuttle is a utilitarian vehicle nothing more nothing less. So they Nostromo could have been thirtyish years old using thirtish year old technology at the time of its commisioning. Unlike the Prometheus being a cutting edge science vessel with all the new computer gizmos and toys at its operators disposal. So I could see the displays being old and antiquiated after prometheus.


I've always wondered about the "tech" available from one time period to another as well- with almost ALL SciFi films. Star Trek, Star Wars, and several others that jumped on the "prequel" bandwagon did the same things. Episodes 1-3 had significantly higher tech than 4-6 for Star Wars, and the same was true for the Star Trek reboot. Even though the obvious reason is nothing more than it is what was imagined [i]at the time each film/ episode was made[/i], it has still always bothered me too. Why not at least try to keep the tech "canon" continuous? I guess it's all for the WOW factor on the special effects. Of course all of the fanboys have an acceptable reason for it like ST having an altered time line or SW simply being that the Universe fell back from civilization as a result of the Empire, but it's just an excuse. Even though Alien had space travel and Cryo-hybernation in it, those are at least plausible and perhaps even possible technologies. I think such things add to the wonder of a good SciFi movie. Transporters, Warp drive, and cloaks are nice to dream about, but not much for reality. The more real a SciFi-horror film is, in every aspect, the better it is to me.


[quote]The more real a SciFi-horror film is, in every aspect, the better it is to me. [/quote] Let me clarify that: The more realistic (perhaps only slightly out-of reach) the tech is, the more it relates to something we're used to seeing. It makes for a more believable story, I guess. After reading over my comment, I realized how silly it sounded. Oops!
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