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WTF - Has Ridley Scott sold out with Alien: Covenant!

Scified 2016-01-29 22:06:56 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1785084753208687.jpg

I might be called out as a black sheep for what I'm about to say, but I feel it has to be said... When it comes to Alien and Prometheus, Sir Ridley Scott is reverred by the fan base as almost omnipotent and infallible, despite obvious evidence to the contary, examples of which can be found in one scene from Alien - the Space Jockey scene...

Compare the helmets against the Space Jockey head in the picture above, and then again for the picture below! 

Despite this and many other obvious issues in Alien (Lamberts change of footwear), the movie and its director have been placed high upon a pedestal. Then he returned for Prometheus and before the movie was released mindless fans were praising Scotts vision - a vision in which he set out to do a direct prequel to Alien with an Alien heavy script written by John Spaihts. Claiming the form of the Alien is no longer effective he employs Damon Lindelof to add ambiguity and mystery by tweaking Spaihts' script and replacing the Alien with an illogical black goo. But too much of Spaihts script remained, as did the obvious insertion of unused elements from the first movie. The result, while jaw dropping beautiful and magnificently shot is an inconsistent narrative and illogical nightmare, of which Lindelof got the blame for. But it was Ridley that removed the bulk of the final fight scene between Elizabth Shaw and the last Engineer, it was Ridley that reduced Fifields alien transfomation to that of an uber-zombie and it was Ridley whom surrounded the deep chaacters of Shaw and David with one-dimensional, functional only stereotypical archetypes with little to no purpose, character or common sense.

How likely are we to get any answers to Prometheus' questions in Alien: Covenant?

Yet among Alien fans the mention of James Cameron invites almost universal hatred and mockery, with claims that he reduced the creature to a mere insect, cannon fodder for his space marines. Yet no one will dare to bring attention to the table that Camerons movie is more cohesive than either of Ridleys attempts, with much more likeable characters and the best depiction of the creature seen yet seen on sceen, never mind the realisation on screen of the Queen Alien.

And now this...

As already reported, Noomi Rapace will not be returning for Alien: Covenant!

After buckling to the studio and marketing his movie as an Alien prequel rather than a Prometheus sequel, and after doing a complete 180 degree turn on his stance that the form of the Alien is no longer effective with reports that Covenant will feature many forms of the familar creatue, Ridley then removes the one driving force of Prometheus' narrative by removing Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and her quest for answers, which was the whole point wasn't it? Instead it seems Ridley is going to give us a version of Spaihts original script, likely relocating to the already crashed/landed derelict Juggernaut on Acheron LV-426 in a bid to explain how the "company" knew it was there; a movie he could have, and should have made in the fist place back in 2012! And Ridley has used this "sell-out" sequel to "cockblock" Neill Blomkamps proposed Alien sequel that got us all excited.

Dear Ridley Scott; either let James Cameron fix things, again, before you damage the whole series irrecoverably or let Blomkamp explore his ideas. You had your turn, move along!

Article Published:
2016-01-29 22:06:56

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