This weekend sees the worldwide release of Avengers: Infinity War, which for fans of Marvel Studios' much coveted cinematic universe is the culmination of ten years hype and build up. As with all movies, most of the major news outlets were present at the premiere this Monday, mere days before the movies worldwide release today. As is usually the case those news outlets that were present posted their first reactions on Twitter. With Infinity War, as with most movies, most of the major news outlets wait until at least the weekend of a movie's release before releasing any spoilers, with their first non-spoiler review usually being released shortly after the deadline of any review embargo's set by the studios has passed. So imagine everybody's surprise when Forbes, a leading and well-respected news platform not only dropped a spoiler-filled review of Infinity War but did so five hours before the review embargo had even lifted.
Yes, the article was appropriately titled and warned readers that it contained spoilers, and yes, as the author Curtis Silver claims, no one is forced to read the article in question. But as Silver relates, quite clearly in the article this is not the first time he has done this, with him openly admitting he did this mere months ago with Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Thankfully Forbes has since removed Silvers article, but to avoid such embarrassment and any future backlash Forbes should cut all ties with the author as it is clear that this individual enjoys perpetuating chaos and upsetting fan communities. Silvers selfish and childish actions should have consequences, with his embargo-ignoring, spoiler infested article surely being the grounds for legal action from Marvel Studios and/or Disney against Silver, and possibly Forbes, especially if they continue to allow, and thus support any future contributions from Silver.
Unsurprisingly YouTube commentators such as John Campea and Mundane Matt have aired their vocal disdain for Silvers actions, and quite rightly so. Such actions feed the negative and toxic elements of otherwise friendly fan communities, not only needlessly spoiling a movie many would have been hyped for but also staining the respectability and trustability of such communities.
Article Published:
2018-04-25 21:06:03