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Who is Rogue One's mystery Sith?

Scified 2016-04-07 13:53:17 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1658596718960699.jpg

The first official trailer for Gareth Ewards Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was released this morning and has amazed fans and critics both old and young, with the older fans getting a huge kick of nostalgia from seeing the likes of Mon Mothma, the Death Star, Imperial AT-AT's and of course the classic Stormtroopers. The trailer is filled with moments from the forthcoming movie which will follow Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and her band of rebel spies as they undertake the perilous mission to steal the plans to the Empires deadly new weapon, the Death Star.

At first, or twenty first glance the trailer doesn't seem to offer any real surprises, as we know very little about the movie beyond its basic premise and that it is set before the events of the saga's fourth episode; A New Hope. Looking at the scene depicted above, which appears at 1:18 in the trailer below, we see a hooded Sith kneel obediently before a frozen tank... but wait, Darth Vader didn't wear a hood and why would the Emperor be kneeling? Just who exactly is this hooded Sith...

Is this the return of Darth Maul to the Star Wars saga (outside his appearances in the Clone Wars and Rebels), or could we see Darth Vader disobeying his master, the Emperor, by taking on an apprentice in this movie, in much the same way as he did in the video game Star Wars Unleashed? Or could this even be the Emperor kneeling before his master, Darth Plagueis?

Article Published:
2016-04-07 13:53:17

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