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What Does Hustler Mean to You?

Scified 2019-09-01 11:28:22 http://www.scified.com/articles/what-does-hustler-mean-you-2.jpg

There are many words that have a range of meanings to different people and in different situations. One such word that has come to light recently is ‘hustler’ which people often attach different meanings to. The up and coming movie, Hustlers, is set to hit the screens in September and has reignited interest in just what this word means to different people.

There are lots of people who will have heard the word ‘hustle’ or ‘hustler’ used in movies, on the streets, even by friends and family members. However, many of these people don’t really know what the word means and what context to take it in because it is used in such a variety of situations and has been for many years.

About the Movie

To give some insight into the movie and how it uses the word ‘hustler’, it is all about a group of former stripped looking to make more money and plotting to get it from the men they’ve been spending time with. The men don’t seem to be particularly bothered about the girls’ plights and situations and spend more time splashing the cash and partying, so the ex-strippers decide they are perfect for providing them with the money they want. The movie is set to be a big hit with famous names such as Jennifer Lopez,Cardi B, and Constance Wu among others.

In addition to stirring up excitement among movie fans, the film has also fueled interest into what a hustler actually is. Many people will have heard the word used in different contexts and situations as well as by different people. You hear about people pretending to be bad at playing pool and then playing for big money and suddenly demonstrating their expertise so they can take the cash. You see people on the streets who describe themselves as hustlers. It is a term that is often used to describe someone that cheats their way to making money from others.

Of course, another way in which many people will have heard the word ‘hustler’ is in the context of the online HUSTLER® Hollywood brand. Founded in the late 1960s as a brand, the adult magazine was launched in the mid-1970s and has now expanded to include its adult online store where people can buy adult toys, lingerie, and a range of related products.

Many people do not realize that this word does go back many centuries. In fact, in the 1600s the word was used to describe a movement that involved shaking. In the 1800s, it began to be used as a term to describe fast movement – for instance, the term hustle-bustle, which many still use today. In modern society, it is often used as a term for having the confidence to make money – and not always in the most respectable ways!

A Movie to Look Forward To

While the word itself may continue to cause confusion with regards to exact meaning, the movie will undoubtedly be one that many will flock to see. It takes its inspiration from an article that was published in 2015 in the New York Times and its all-star cast will ensure that it gets plenty of attention.

Article Published:
2019-09-01 11:28:22

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