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Watch the Ultraman X Movie Trailers!

Scified 2015-12-24 13:02:39 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/362883844096136.jpg

This past week saw the finale of the latest Ultra series Ultraman X, but fans will get more of the heroic giant and XiO come March 12th, 2016! Titled Ultraman X: Here Comes Our Ultraman!, trailers for the new movie were released last week. Tsuburaya delivered a one minute version while Cinema Today released a 30 second version.

The trailer reveals an entirely new monster while celebrating the return of Ultraman (the original) and fan favorite Ultraman Tiga. Both hereos will take center stage with Ultraman X while X's previous allies from the series will make cameos. Additionally the movie seems to harald the return of the Blue Stone of Barajiā€”A mcguffin that ties to the original Ultraman and Ultraman Nexus (depending on what form he's in).

The shots look more dynamic and cinematic than the series with exciting miniature work. Check it out:

Don't discount the 30 second trailer which has a few different shots:

A new poster was also released showcasing Ultraman X in his new Beta Spark Armor with Ultraman and Tiga by his side. X's previous allies that appeared in the series line the background with the new monster.

Directed by series showrunner Kiyotaka Taguchi, (Ultraman Ginga S & special effects director for Love & Peace) expectations are high for this movie which is part of Ultraman's 50th Anniversary celebration.

Ultraman X was an outstanding series, so I have confidence this won't be just another quick cash-in. Once again, Ultraman X: Here Comes Our Ultraman hits Japanese theaters March 12th, 2016!


Follow GMAN on Twitter at GMANonScified



Article Published:
2015-12-24 13:02:39

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