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View Over 200 HD Terminator Genisys Trailer Screenshots!

Scified 2015-04-13 16:43:17 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/3576387882889063.png

Following today's reveal of the second full-length Terminator Genisys trailer, we have compiled a selection of HD screenshots, detailing the new footage that was shown! Fans seemed to be caught off guard by how much this trailer revealed; mainly involving the John Connor non-Terminator. Do you think this trailer revealed too much? Or did it get you more hyped for its release this July? Let us know your opinions in the comments section. Either way, you can inspect each new scene from the Terminator Genisys trailer in ourĀ Terminator Genisys Image Gallery!

Article Published:
2015-04-13 16:43:17

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