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Venom 2: Two things Sony got WRONG with Carnage (and 2 things they got right)

Scified 2021-05-12 07:15:45 http://www.scified.com/articles/venom-2--two-things-sony-got-wrong-with-carnage-and-2-things-they-got-right-31.jpg

Sony held back no punches with the release of Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage's first official trailer this week. Fans everywhere are sufficiently hyped up for the Venom sequel release this Fall, but after settling down from the initial excitement, it's time to analyze what we've been shown so far. Sony evidently are trying hard to capture the hearts of Venom / Spider-Man fans after their severe mishandling of the character in Spider-Man 3 and by all account Sony have redeemed themselves a bit with the first Venom movie but there is still some room to grow if comic-book accuracy and fan service are to be one of their main goals.

With limited footage to go by, this article will quickly break down 2 things Sony have done right by Carnage in the latest film and 2 things they missed the mark on. If you agree or disagree with our assertions, sound off in the comments!

2 things Sony got RIGHT with Carnage

After re-inventing Eddie Brock and Venom for the new stand-alone series, it's clear Sony listened to fan criticism and learned from their Spider-Man 3 mistakes. Venom, this time around, looks, acts, sounds and feel a lot more like the Venom we know and love - even if his Tarantula symbol is absent this time around. Now, it's time to give another iconic Venom / Spider-Man villain the proper cinematic treatment - Carnage - and so far, we like what we see!

1. Carnage's Battle Tactics

In the comics, Carnage had a different fighting style than Venom - he preferred to utilize makeshift weapons, predominantly bladed or stabbing ones which he formed with his limbs thanks to the Symbiote. In the trailer we see plenty of evidence of Carnage doing just that - he constantly has sporadic Symbiote tentacles extending from his body, many with spear like tips formed. His hands also form ax-like blades and swords. This aspect of Carnage is undeniable and thank the Comic Book Gods that Sony realized the importance of these qualities.

2. The Right Cletus Kasaday

Cletus Kasaday is Carnage's host - the psychotic mass murder is being played by none other than Woody Harrelson and from the short interaction seen in the trailer, we know Woody was the right man for the job. His mannerisms and attitude completely represent and accurately portray the Cletus Kasaday from the comics. Whether exposed as Carnage or incognito as Cletus, we know Harrelson is going to deliver a stellar performance, one worthy of the character's legacy.

2 This Sony got WRONG with Carnage

Unfortunately Carnage in the upcoming Venom sequel isn't perfect. As perfect as the casting for his human counterpart was and as perfect as his movement on screen seems to look, Sony did drop the ball when it came to Carnage's design.

1. Carnage has no Tongue

In the trailer we see Carnage screaming and very clearly can see he has a tongue, albeit smaller than the one Venom is known for, but still a tongue. Sure, this might be a small detail but it's one of a few subtle details which set Carnage and Venom apart in the comics.

2. Black Teeth

Another subtle design cue that was always a unique trait of Carnage's design was his black teeth! In the trailer and again in the North American poster for Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage, we can clearly see Venom sporting rows of "normal" teeth. Again, this would have been a very easy fix but for whatever reason was a detail neglected by Sony and its VFX team.

Carnage in essence is meant to be a complete contrast to Venom and as a result there should be no qualities of Venom displayed in Carnage. The white teeth of Venom, the black teeth of Carnage. The long tongue of Venom, the complete absence of a tongue in Carnage. Brute strength and bare hands brawling of Venom versus the agile use of makeshift weapons of Carnage. They are meant to act, look and fight very differently so as to set them as far apart as possible.

Sony are definitely trying and for that we give them credit. But there are subtle design cues that remain integral to the accurate portrayal of these characters. Perhaps Sony will adjust these issues before the film's release in September, but there's no way of knowing. Either way, we are glad to see Carnage finally making an appearance on the silver screen, it's been a long time coming and we not wait to experience all the Symbiotic chaos this September when Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage arrives in theaters.

Article Published:
2021-05-12 07:15:45

About Venom: The Last Dance

Official plot synopsis for Venom 3 has yet to be revealed.

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