The 50th Anniversary series for the Ultraman franchise, Ultraman Orb, is available to watch on Crunchyroll! After the massive success of Ultraman X on the streaming platform, over the weekend Crunchyroll helped Tsuburaya Productions premiere Ultraman Orb worldwide!
After the ancient Demon King Beasts escape from being sealed by Ultra Warriors, Gai Kurenai comes to Earth to stop them. Using the Orb Ring and Ultra Fusion Cards, he combines the forms of other Ultra Warriors to become his true identity: Ultraman Orb.
New episodes of Ultraman Orb air every Friday night at 10:00pm EDT. The first episode is currently available for both premium and free members, however it is likely this will change with future episodes. (New episodes of Ultraman X were available to premium users, but free members had to wait a whole week for the next episode.)
What do you think of the first episode of Ultraman Orb? Does it stack up with last year's first episode of Ultraman X? Will director Kiyotaka Taguchi top Ultraman X? Lets us know your thoughts below!
Article Published:
2016-07-11 21:54:55