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Two New Explosive Terminator Genisys TV Spots Unleashed!

Scified 2015-06-14 08:08:56 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/835304499537463.png

With each new clip, trailer, featurette and TV spot for Terminator Genisys released the division between fans continues to grow; one side view the controversial movie as a fun reinvention of the aging franchise, while the other side grows tired from the unrelenting bombardment of homages and callbacks to the original movies. The pot has been stirred even more with star Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent slandering of the last instalment, and creator James Cameron's recent praise for the new movie, at the expense of the last two movies - all of which is a contradiction when considering that the new movie borrows heavily from the entire movie franchise, and the recent two season TV series. Regardless, the movies marketing campaign, much like the movies title character is proving that it cannot bargained with, cannot be reasoned with, doesn't feel pity nor fear nor remorse, and it absolultely will not stop...

Article Published:
2015-06-14 08:08:56

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