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Transformers: Age of extinction - New TV Spot!

Scified 2014-03-31 04:15:31 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/508184154655643.png

Director Michael Bay has a lot of haters her on the internet, but one thing has to be said about Bay - if you want a movie thats loud, proud to be loud, with plenty of action, explosions and good looking cars and women, all at a breakneck pace then you can't go far wrong with a Michael Bay movie. Granted, not all of his movies have resonated with audiences (Pearl Harbor, Armageddon), but some of his movies, especially those made with Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson (The Rock, Bad Boys, Enemy of the State, Gone in Sixty seconds) have become fond fan favorites. His movies may not have a lot of depth, but for the most part Michael bay does know how to make an entertaining movie.

His new movie, Transformers: Age of Extinction, the fourth in the series and the beginning of a second trilogy is due to hit cinema screens in just under 3 months, and to make sure we dont forget Paramount Pictures have released a new TV Spot...

Video Removed At The Request Of Paramount Pictures!

Article Published:
2014-03-31 04:15:31

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